Thursday, February 6, 2014

We made it this time! Yeah.

Oh how I wish the internet was faster here. I took some amazing pictures today and I can’t share them with you, at least not yet.
The morning began with a bit of a surprise. Instead of waking between 6:30 and 7:00 which is usual for us we were awakened by a knock on our door at 7:40. It was room service delivering our breakfast. It was a mad scramble to find my robe and answer the door. Again this morning we had wonderful fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries to have with our cereal. Before long the ship’s intercomb was announcing that we could go to shore. We got ready and went to deck 5. Just as we arrived the line was going past to board the tenders. We showed our card and right away we were ushered into the line in front of others. Well right away a lady behind us began to talk loudly about the fact that people should go to the back of the line when they arrive. She was adamant that we should have been sent to the end of the line. We ignored her. Obviously she was not aware of the privileges that go with the black card.
The day was glorious and the Cay is a paradise for sure. There are miles of sandy beach and palm trees. A soft breeze was blowing and the sun was shining. We went into the water and walked the shoreline. I took loads of pictures. Ken got a pin for his hat and I bought a most wonderful basket styled purse for Emmie. It is hand woven out of straw, it has a wonderful kitten on the front and the trim and flowers etc. are pink. I was even able to have the lady who made it put Emmie’s name on it. If I could I would download a picture of it. I was even able to get the lady , to pose for a picture holding the purse.
Princess brought a buffet lunch to the Cay. It was a usual picnic type lunch with salads, fruit, burgers , hot dogs , ribs and the like. In the fresh air it was just a perfect lunch. We caught the tender back here around 12:30.
I wrote some post cards which will get mailed tomorrow and then I decided to call the SPA and see if I could get my hair done. A young man on his first contract did my hair and he did such a good job that Ken insisted on taking a picture when I returned to the room.
Next I got busy writing the To Recognize a Consummate Host  cards for the special service we received during this cruise. Ken went topside to watch sail away but I have already had too much sun today so I didn’t join him.
We decided to go up to Skywalkers for the Elite special today. We have not done it once yet during this cruise.
We went to dinner and the anniversary cake arrived tonight. We were sung to and we shared the cake.

After dinner we delivered the cards and came back here to finish writing some more post cards. Then we called it a day. We have to get new cruise cards tomorrow but we do not have to leave the ship. It is so nice that our suitcases are not in the hall. YEAH!!!

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