Monday, February 17, 2014

Last Day of Second Cruise

This is the last day of our second cruise and we are busy tying up loose ends. They have a system where by you can fill out a card recommending a staff member for good service. These have an effect  on whether or not they get raises etc. At the end cruise I do cards for some of the staff. Those have been done and Ken is going to write the actual Thank You cards that we put the extra tip into. We did not tip extra on the last cruise and we will not on the next 10 days. We will do it for each 20 day segment. I need to tidy the room and get rid of some paper etc. So that is what I will be doing this morning.
Tomorrow we are back in Fort Lauderdale so we have booked a shore excursion for there. It will involve a bit of a tour through the everglades and some of the city. We didn’t know that was possible or we would have done it last time.
It is kind of gray this morning with showers all around us. This is the first day that the sun was not shining since our travels began. I hope the good weather continues.
They had a cooking demonstration with the new chef this morning and I went.. Those are usually fun because the chef and the maitre’d usually tease each other. They created 2 salmon dishes, a pasta, a Caesar salad and black forest cake. .There was a galley tour afterwards and I didn’t go  because I have toured the galley before.
Ken and I went to the art auction this afternoon but we didn’t win anything. This evening dinner was sad in a way. This was the last night with our table mates. All of them are going home. There were hugs and tears and promises to meet again.
After that we really needed something to bring the smiles back. We went to the Princess theatre to see the comedian, Phil ?? Anyway what ever his name was he was so very funny. Ken and I laughed until we almost cried.

We finished the evening by going to the International Café and having a special coffee. The ship was quiet because so many people are disembarking tomorrow.

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