Sunday, February 2, 2014


Our Day in St.Lucia.
We were greeted by a wonderful day of sunny warm breezy weather. It was ideal. By afternoon it became a bit too hot and too bright for my comfort.
Our excursion was on a catamaran, cruising to the western end of the island to the Pitons. There were about a hundred people on board but it was not at all crowded. There was lots of room to move around and visit and take pictures and the like.
After about an hour of touring the captain maneuvered the boat into a shore line where people disembarked through an opening at the front of the ship. There were steps leading into the water and a rope to guide you. After just a few strokes a person could stand and walk to a dark sand beach. On your return one of the crew rinsed some of the salt water from you. Ken went to shore but I stayed on board.
After a cruise and a short swim we were treated to a rum punch that sat you on your ear. Wow! We also had sandwiches and fresh fruit.
On the return trip there was a conga line and dancing and singing. (I think the rum punch had kicked it).
Our catamaran was called the Tango Party cruise and it was a lot of fun. In all we were gone from 8:45 till 12:30. It was a lot of fun.
We can back and had lunch at the international Café, we has a quiche and a small salad. Then we took our things back to our room and headed our again. There was and is I should say a beautiful cruise ship terminal with lots of beautiful shops so I had to at least have a look. I also had to collect my free charm from Diamonds International. We had a bit of a look around and Ken got his St Lucia hat pin since this was our first visit to the Island. We did not stay out for long because the heat was getting to me by then.
Ken got a bit too much fun today which surprised us and makes him look a bit like a tomato. But this sun can sneak up on a person.
Last evening the dinner was wonderful as usual. Then after dinner we roamed the ship for awhile. I bought a very nice tear drop shaped amber pendant. The color is very nice and there is a bit of something in it . I think it is an insect part. I will have to have a better look when I have a magnifying glass.
Finally we returned to the stateroom and sat on the balcony. It was a magical evening, with stars shining so very brightly and no light pollution to spoil it. Truly magical! The sea was calm and because we only had 125 miles to travel until we get to Barbados the ship was travelling slowly and it seemed to be just floating on the waves.
We finally called it a day and drifted off to sleep.

I wish the internet were better so I could send pictures, Oh well you will have to wait until I can get to a good connection.

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