Sunday, February 2, 2014

Our Day In Barbados

Our Day in Barbados,
When we awoke the ship was already docked even though it was only 6:20 and we were not supposed to dock until 7:oo.
I jumped out of bed and went out on the balcony right away. I could not believe my eyes. None of this and I do mean none of this appeared familiar. I don’t know if we were docked in a different spot or what. My memories of the last visit involves sun and sand and surf, not large warehouses and cranes.
Before long we were surprised to see another ship making her way into the dock. This ship is large and all white in color. The stack is blue with a stylized happy face on it . The name of her is Thompson Dream. I could not believe that there is a cruise ship that does not send us advertisements. It is obvious that she is an older ship because there are no balconies, only port holes. All she appears to be in good shape.
We were enjoying our morning coffee when the Maarsdam began to make her way into port. I watched in admiration and the captain of the Maarsdam wiggled her way into the space in front of us. Somehow it is not fair that he can maneuver  that huge ship into that spot and I can’t parallel park the Chev.
Before long it was time to disembark. That went quickly and smoothly. As we left the ship there were shuttle waiting to take us to the cruise ship terminal. We were inside no more that five minutes when we connected with BJ and Henry. It was so much fun to see them again. We talked in the terminal and decided that we would go to Harbour Lights beach here in the city of Carlisle. The drive to the beach cost 5 dollars each. We were a bit surprised when we first saw it but once we passed the gate we came to an amazing white sand beach with warm turquoise water. There were lots of chairs and umbrellas to rent but we just went into the water and then came back to the restaurant for a cold drink.. BJ and Henry looked the same except that BJ no longer needed a cane. We caught up on time missed and had a most enjoyable visit. Before we knew it the time had come to return to the ship.
There was a taxi right there so we did not have to wait. At the terminal we bought rum cakes that BJ recommended. If they are real good we may just buy more to bring back home when we are here next time.
We said our good byes and they began their walk back to the Maarsdam and we caught the Princess shuttle.
I am so glad we were able to connect with BJ and Henry. We are going to stay in touch and perhaps we will be lucky enough to be able to meet again in another part of the world.

The evening went as normal, we had dinner, went to the production show, went for a special coffee with our brandy and called it a night.

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