Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Sense of Private Space

Today we were at Princess Cays. We began our day with room service breakfast. I ordered berries as usual and this time the berries were blueberries. No raspberries or strawberries were included.
We went to get a tender and fortunately no one was upset with us, for pushing into line. We decided to ride up top for the tender and it was quite a surprise to find out that almost everyone was from Canada. There was one couple from Colorado, and couples from Alberta and Quebec and us.
This time we went to the North side. It has less in retail but the sand was as soft, the water as warm and the food just as good. We found a very nice spot where Ken could be in the sun and I could be in the shade. We pulled up chaise lounges and got ready and went into the water. I even blew up the ring that Alice gave me and I used it in the water. Quite Idyllic. Anyway when we came back from playing in the water there were more lounges in our area. These were occupied by people who spoke another language, possibly East European. Anyway as the morning continues their lounges got closer and closer to us. They were following the shade and they moved as the sun moved. Before long they were so close to me that I couldn’t even sit on the side or the end of my longue. Finally I had to gather our things and move to another area all together. (Ken had moved to the sun earlier)
I have concluded that they have a very different sense of Personal space in Europe.

During the time in the water we met some Canadians who knew about Canada’s medals in the Olympics. This TV mentions nothing about the Olympics. It was great to be brought up to date.
. Soon it was time to return to the ship and this time we sat downstairs. Again everyone around us was from Canada. This time it was Ontario and Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
 We certainly are well represented on this cruise.
I went to the Art History lecture this afternoon. I didn’t win anything this time.
We made some changes in our mini bar and got some diet coke for me. Then it was time to get ready for dinner.
We were surprised to find that the new people from last night did not show up. We saw them later and they have decided that they would prefer anytime dining so we will not be seeing them again.
We went to the Princess Theatre to see a performance by Christopher James. He is a magician and he astounded us. He was very very good and more than once I failed to clap because I was in awe and trying to figure out what had just happened.
We walked past the Atrium and Rootberry was performing. They are jugglers and sword swallowers. They too amaze.
We had great plans to go to Crooners and listen to the piano player but for some reason we are tired and have decided to call it a night.

By the way in case you are wondering why I was able to post pictures last night… Ken went to a lecture and they explained that band width is the problem and you have to be on when few others are so I got up at two o’clock in the morning and I posted then. I hope you enjoyed the pictures.

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