Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sea Day

Second sea day of this cruise.
We began the day by going to the dining room for breakfast. We have been good all cruise and have avoided overeating at breakfast time so we decided that this would be the day. We were with a nice group, one couple from Quebec and one from Kamloops and one couple were from New Jersey. Ken splurged and had French toast and I had a pouched egg on toast. It was a nice treat.
After breakfast I went to the SPA and had my hair done. The gal this time was not as skilled as the young man who did it last time.
We had an orange for lunch.
This afternoon was the wine tasting and for some reason they thought we wanted to sit at a table for two, so we had no one with whom to visit. They served the same wines as the last wine tasting. I enjoyed the whites but gave Ken my reds. We did not get the glasses we need to finish our set. I bagged them up and brought them to dinner and asked Pim if she could arrange a swap for us.
Because this is formal night we had to get gussied up in our best bib and tucker. Our canapés were chocolate covered strawberries and they were great. That is a treat that I do enjoy.
Marian and Keith were there for dinner but Bob and Diane are still among the missing. She was quite ill with a cold so we are thinking they are laying low because of that. Lobster was on the menu and as usual I gave mine to Ken. He sure does love it.
After dinner we went to the production show “I’ve Got the Music”. It was even better than the last time. After the show we came back here and we took off the good clothes and went down to the fifth deck for coffee. There was music being performed by the group Accent. They were great and they drew quite a crowd.
By now it was almost 10:30 and it had been a long day so we called it a day and went back to our room.

Another sea day tomorrow, the last day of cruise number three!!

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