Monday, February 10, 2014

Emerald Beach Resort

Monday February 10, 2014

I have just had a most amazing morning. We are in St.Thomas and Alice invited Ken and I to go with her and Lew and Nan. They were going to a local beach. We met downstairs at the International CafĂ© and around 9:30 we left the ship. We went to the spot where the taxis wait and we got a taxi to a place called Emerald Beach Resort. The taxi ride was only about  5 or so minutes and the cost was 4 dollars each person. Actually we could have walked it if we were feeling energetic.
It was a truly idyllic place. Actually it was a resort as the name suggests but there was a public beach behind the resort. It was just as your mind pictures when someone utters the phrase “tropical Paradise”.
The water was a wonderful turquoise color, the sand was soft and white, there were gentle waves lapping the shore which was lined with swaying palm trees, wonderful yachts bobbed gently in the breeze. You could sit in the sand or you could rent a lounge chair for seven dollars. We rented chairs and moved them from the sun to the shade as we wished. The water felt a little cool when you first got in but in minutes it was warm and refreshing and delightful. There were some structures with palm roofs to provide extra shade. There was a bar and grill where you could order refreshments, liquid and otherwise. There were some people there but it was far from crowded. There was one person there trying to sell necklaces. He showed you his wares, told you the price and then pointed out the place where he would be if you wanted anything. I don’t think it could get more perfect and we thanked Alice over and over again for showing us such a wonderful place.
We spent more than an hour in the water just bobbing along and chatting with Alice. Then we came to shore and sunned for awhile and then we went back into the water. Soon it was noon and time to head back to the ship.
Lew and Nan decided to stay awhile longer but Ken, Alice and I came back. I knew my sugar was low so it was time for me to get something to eat. We had our wonderful room service breakfast delivered at 7:30 and it was now almost one o’clock.

 So we returned to the Emerald Princess and left our little paradise behind.

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