Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Our Day in Saint Thomas

Our Day in Saint Thomas,
The day began with us feeling a bit confused. Somehow we got mixed up and we thought that we would dock at ten o’clock. We were awakened  by the sound of the thrusters at seven. We stepped out on the balcony to discover we were in St. Thomas already. Yesterday was a ten o’clock docking.
We had a shore excursion arranged for noon so we were in for a relaxing morning. We decided to do breakfast in the dining room . As usual it was very nice.
We disembarked and roamed the area for awhile. Ken was looking for a pin for his hat but they were none of the type he wanted. Here at Crown Bay there are iguanas basking in the sun and waiting for hand outs. I got a couple of very nice pictures.
Our excursion was a trip aboard the Kon Tiki, a catamaran which was billed at the party catamaran. We boarded right at noon and soon we were over a coral reef. They lowered viewing boxes and we were afforded an underwater view. They also fed the fish in the area so we were treated to a bit of a feeding frenzy by the yellow fish. A Caribbean steel band played the entire time and there was a bar. A Mai tai was seven dollars but if you saved your red cup the second drink was 2 dollars less.
The Kon Tiki soon brought us to the shore of Water Island. The water was warm and the sand was soft, a perfect combination. I was in the water and really enjoyed it. The sun was bright and to my regret I got quite a bit of sunburn. We each had a delicious all beef hot dog for lunch. But soon it was time to reboard the catamaran. On the return there was lots of singing and dancing including a conga line and a limbo stick. The band outdid itself. 
In St. Thomas there are actually 2 locations for cruise ships. We were docked at Crown Bay and there were 3 large ships at Havensight. The first stop was at Havensight  to disembark people from Celebrity, Carnival and Royal Caribbean ships. Next we were given a guided tour of the harbor and there were 3 Name That Tune games. The prize was a free drink and I won one of them. I got a Mai Tai for Ken.
Once back at the ship we quickly showered and dressed . This is the night of the Captain’s circle party and so it is a formal night. Because we were leaving St. Thomas the captain was needed on the bridge and was not at the party. The most travelled passengers all had over 1000 days on a Princess ship. I don’t think we will live long enough to reach that goal.
Then it was off to dinner and this was lobster night. Ken was in his glory.
Next we were off to the theatre to see the Princess Singers and Dancers. The show was “What a Swell Party” and we had not seen it before. The costume changes and the sets always impress us.
By the time the show was over we were dragging. It had been a very busy day and all of that sun and sea didn’t help. One quick stroll around the deck and we were ready for bed.

My sunburn was causing a bit of discomfort and so Ken applied some much appreciated after sun lotion and it wasn’t long before we were in dreamland.

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