Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Dom in ee ka,
That is the way the name of this island is pronounced.
Our luck with the weather held out and we had another amazing day. Michael was waiting for us and everyone was gathered and lead to vans by 9:30. Michael drove us across the country skillfully maneuvering his way through what I would call a traffic nightmare. There was no way that we would have arrived safely if I had been at the wheel. The roads were in poor condition, they were a maze of hairpin turns, they were narrow, they were steep and they drove on the left hand  side of the road.
Michael drove us to his home where his wife greeted us warmly. Their home was beautiful with many fruits and flowers in the landscaping. We were given a glass of cold fruit punch and introduced to Daria and her helpers, 2 children and a neice if I heard it correctly.

 Thus began our cooking lesson. The area was perfect for the circumstances, with a wonderful horse shoe shaped counter. We all stood on the outside and Daria was in the center where she could be well seen. Each course was prepared with some help from each of the attendees.
We prepared a drink called terrible Jack, it was a cold pumpkin drink.
We prepared rice and beans using coconut milk.
We prepared Marlin with a wonderful marinade
We prepared fried plantains with a coconut coating.
There was a salad and a fresh grapefruit desert with lots of rum.
Then when all of the preparation was done we sat down to enjoy the fruits of our labors.
It was an amazing morning . They had spices and sauces for sale as well as wonderful baskets.

All too soon it was time to board the buses and head back to the ship. We expected a lot and this experience surpassed all expectations.

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