Sunday, February 2, 2014


St. Kitts Overview
In 1493, Christopher Columbus was so smitten with this volcanic island that he named
 it after himself. Since its discovery, St. Christopher -- later shortened by British sailors
 to St. Kitts-- has been fought  over by the Spanish, British and French who, tragically,
 made it a center of the West Indian slave  trade. Pirates, including the notorious
 William Kidd, enjoyed lucrative careers in Basseterre Harbor.

St. Kitts and sister isle Nevis were part of the British Empire until 1967, earning
 semi-independent  status when they were named associated states of Great Britain
 In 1983, the 65-square-mile St. Kitts  and Nevis became an independent, two-island
 nation with a parliamentary government headed by  a Prime Minister. While British
 holdovers such as cricket and driving on the left side of the road  remain, the
 Kittitians are extremely proud of their history and how far they've come
 on their own.

The island's lush geography lends itself to eco-tourism, starting with the dense
 tropical rainforests  that surround dormant volcano, Mount Liamuiga
 (known locally as Mt. Misery). Colorful birds and
butterflies, as well as the green Vervet monkey, reside here.

Sugar cane, the staple of the economy since the 17th century, was St. Kitt's
 main export until production stopped just a few years ago. Particularly
 in the west, the sugar cane fields remain, offering a scenic ambience
 that is more reminiscent of Hawaii than the Caribbean these days!
 While tourists have discovered St. Kitts (especially the row of rowdy
 beach bars on South Frigate Bay, known as "The Strip"),
 the island is still relatively unspoiled and crowd-free
, with a relaxed, authentic atmosphere.

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