Saturday, February 15, 2014

Second Sea Day

Second Sea Day,
This is the second sea day of this cruise and it has been a little strange. Actually the strangeness began yesterday. The captain announced that he was expecting the sea to be a bit rough because of the trade winds. Then just less than a half hour after our departure from Aruba he announced that we would be turning around and heading back toward Aruba. Apparently we had a seriously ill passenger and the decision was made to take him to the hospital in Aruba because it is a modern one. The transfer took place without incident.
Through the night the sea was a bit bumpy but not enough to make a person ill or even keep them awake but it was bumpy.
This morning we had our usual wonderful room service breakfast with lots of berries.
I had to finally dispose of those flowers that we got in Fort Lauderdale at the Winn Dixie. I could not believe how well they lasted. That was 19 days since we bought them.
I went to the holiday sale and I did find something I liked but I did not like it enough to stand 50th in line. I came back to the stateroom and ordered lunch for Ken and I then I left Ken on the balcony finishing his coffee and I took off to go to the art auction. Here is where it got really different. If you know these balcony staterooms you know the doors sometimes blow open if not closed properly so we automatically close the balcony doors behind us when we leave the balcony. BUT the doors lock when closed and they cannot be opened from the balcony side. I had locked Ken out of the room!!. I guess he waited and when the people from the next balcony came out onto their balcony he gave them his room key and they went around and let him into the room. We had arranged to meet at 2:45 to go to the wine tasting. I guess he got released at 2:35. I had left the room at 12:45. He was locked out for almost 2 hours. Fortunately the balcony was in the shade and it was a pleasant day. It certainly could have been worse. But needless to say he was not impressed.
This is a formal night and the menu is lobster, YUMM!!
We had a fun dinner as usual and another bottle of wine appeared. We all have to help Alice drink it .
After dinner we went to the production show and it was great as usual. Then Ken and I went to the international café and had our coffee and brandy. The band Sugar Cane was playing in the atrium and people were dancing. 10:45 is going to be the balloon drop and the New Years at Sea celebration will begin. We decided to skip the festivities and came back to our stateroom.

Another day has come to an end. Another sea day tomorrow.. The Fort Lauderdale on Monday.

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