Monday, February 3, 2014

Day in St.Kitts

we arrived at nine and so Ken and I had an early breakfast upstairs and then we disembarked early. I met with Thenford right away and then waited for the other 21 travelers to arrive. On schedule at 10:30 we boarded the transport and headed out. The bus was a medium sized vehicle with room for 22 passengers. It was air conditioned and fairly comfortable.
We headed out with Thenford narrating the trip as we went. He pointed out each of the building , telling us their history. The architecture was varied showing historical significance of the ages past. This community of Basseterre, the capital was founded in 1634. The port of Port Zante was opened in 2005 to accommodate the big ships and Thenford showed us the reclaimed land and told us how the port had to be built several times because of hurricanes.
We saw Bloody Point where 2000 Caribs were massacred, We viewed Black Rocks . A big event of the day was our visit to Romney Manor, once owned by Thomas Jefferson’s grandfather. Today it is an amazing botanical garden with plant specimens from all over the world. I was amazed by Thenford’s knowledge of the plants. We also saw how they make batik clothing and had the chance to shop.
The next major stop was a visit to Brimstone Hill Fortress. This is a complex of bastions and barracks built by the British and it is one of the best examples of 17th century military fortifications in the Caribbean. The views from up here were spectacular.
Our last stop before the return to the ship was a stop at Shipwreck beach. There was beautiful sand and an amazing shoreline along the Caribbean Sea.
We were amazed by the roads that we traveled. I have never seen turns so sharp or steep. There were times when Thenford would have to start into a turn and then stop and back up part way before he could make the complete turn. The roads were unbelievable narrow and steep and twisty. I was so glad to be in a passenger seat and not in the driver’s seat. During the tour which lasted from 10 till three Thenford held us spellbound by his knowledge of the country and its history.
The day was wonderful in all ways. I am so glad we joined Thenford.
This was Island night so I wore my Samoa dress and Ken wore his tropical shirt to dinner.
Dinner was special because it was Italian night complete with Lemon Chello.

The evening show in the theatre starred a comedian magician named Timm Metivier. He was good, not great but good. Then we strolled around the deck before returning here to call it a day.

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