Tuesday, January 3, 2017


We are busy packing today.
We have never travelled this close after Christmas before and this part of  BC does not usually have this kind of weather. Dam it is cold!!! Pretty but cold!!!

I have decided that there is no way we can have the decorations put away before tomorrow so we are going to just close the blinds and take everything down and pack it away when we get back.
Should I leave the gifts under the tree??

Do I wear my winter boots and winter coat into the city? Do I drag them all of the way to Florida and the Caribbean? I will be very cold in Vancouver on the fifth if I wear my summer things.
I will be very hot on the plane and in Florida if I wear my winter things. Just how heavy will my suitcase be if it contains a winter coat and winter boots??

What a wonderful problem to have... we are so lucky.
Stay tuned and I will let you know what we decided!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are looking forward to seeing you in Ft. Lauderdale on Thursday night!

Janeen & Randy