Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Our Day in St.Kitts

January 10th and we are in St.Kitts
We were awakened by the telephone. We had put in a wake up call and it is a good thing that we did. We were sleeping soundly when the phone rang. The ship had docked and we were already along side our birth.
Just the same as yesterday, I recognized the terminal at St.Kitts even though that image had not come to mind when making plans. It was a bright sunny warm day. Perfection
We had our breakfast delivered to the room and it included strawberries.

Before we knew it the time had come to head out. Today we are doing a private tour arranged by Randy and Janeen. The tour is through Thenford Grey and we had toured with him before so we knew it would be good. Our guide was Frankie and he was very informed and a lot of fun.

In St.Kitts the streets are narrow and the pavement leaves a lot to be desired. We were very glad on more than one occasion that he was doing the driving. After touring us around the city and pointing out the important buildings and the churches and stores we headed out of the city


Even though Ken and I have been here a few times before we thoroughly enjoyed the day. Fred entertained us all with his quips and stories. It was made even more fun when our guide Frankie joined in also.
We visited the famous Caribelle Batik fabric crafts factory. This was once owned by an ancestor of Thomas Jefferson. Here thousands of slaves were imported from Africa to work in the cane and tobacco and cotton fields. Today tourism has replaced those industries. We were given a demonstration of Batik and we saw many beautiful pieces. I bought a cushion cover with lots of blue in it . It will be just perfect for our new living room. The grounds here were amazingly beautiful, beyond description.

We had a visit to Brimstone Hill Fortress. This is now a national park and a UNESCO heritage site. Prince Harry was here a couple of weeks ago and because of that visit there was a smooth stretch of asphalt. At the fort itself there was a huge canvas structure that has been used for his reception. It was now being used by tour guides to get a cool spot with shade.

We finished our day with a glorious hour at Friar’s Bay. The beach was idyllic with soft sand and warm . water. I even enjoyed spending time in the water.

On our return to the ship we spent a little bit of time in the cruise terminal area. We were entertained by dancers in local costumes accompanied by amazing drummers.

Ken bought himself a broad brimmed sun hat but I did not buy anything.
The island of St.Kitts is more affluent than Antigua and it shows in the housing especially. The houses are much nicer and well maintained. The island is very clean and well organized. The language is English and you can use Caribbean dollars or US dollars.

It is a country made up of 2 islands, St.Kitts and Nevis. We like this island and we would seriously consider a vacation here ,……if we were not cruising that is..:-)

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