Friday, January 13, 2017

Rocky Jan.12

Rocky January 12, 2017,
The ship did a lot of rocking and rolling during the night, but except for having to take extra care when moving around it did not bother us. We slept like babies.
We received the first of a few messages from Captain Mario Ciruzzi around seven telling us that our arrival will be late because they slowed down to try to make a calmer voyage. We did not have an excursion confirmed for today. We were waitlisted for one. Anyway we just hung around our room. Ken went to Horizon court and got us a coffee and a muffin and I ate an orange and took my pills. We were just lazy, watching television and listening to announcements.
Finally the captain came in on the intercom to tell us that the Carnival Glory which was right in front of us tried to dock and was unable to. Because of their failure and the fact that the wind were up to 36 knots and the seas were at 12 to 15 feet we will be sailing past Grand Turk. We waved at her as she faded into the distance.

 The captain said they would change course so they were in between islands for calmer waters and he would lessen the speed. So we are in for a calm afternoon of smooth sailing.
Again Ken went to the buffet and got us each a turkey sandwich and some fruit. Because the wind was on the starboard side we were able to enjoy our port side balcony. A wonderful relaxing afternoon at sea was about to begin.
I got into my swim suit and sat in the sun for a little while. Ken was there longer.

Then I went down to Horizon Court and picked up goodies to have with our Happy Hour with Fred and Mary and Randy and Janeen. That was a fun get together again.

Dinner was great as is usual. This is the meal where they serve sorbet to everyone as a pallet cleanser. The first course was the Goat Cheese soufflé which is one of my favorites

. The main course was deep sea scallops which is also a favorite

. Dessert for me was the sugar free mint chocolate cake.

After dinner we headed for the theatre because the Princess Singers and Dancers were performing
 “ Born to be Wild’ and seats would be at a premium. We enjoyed the show but we have seen better . In fact the last one was better. Ken was seated where a rather large man was obstructing his view. Now he knows how the rest of us feel.

After the show we walked around the ship and stopped for an ice cream. We picked up some lemonade and a drink and returned to the cabin to call it a day and a night.

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