Saturday, January 28, 2017

Last Day of Cruise Number Three

We decided to have breakfast in the dining room since we are in no particular hurry. The Coral dining room was busy but welcoming. We were directed to a table for eight and seven of us ended up there.
They were a fun group . One lady whose name was Mary was an amazing traveler. I thought she would be around 65 years old and Mary turned out to be 84. When I asked her what her secret was she said she married a good man when she was only 17, they had 62 happy years together and that and good genes were the answer. She is of Italian heritage and so their skin does not get dry and wrinkled as soon as some other groups. As we visited we learned that she has continued to travel since her husband died and she has a wonderful close family. She is healthy and happy and that was so very good to hear. We only hope we can be that well when we reach 84.
After breakfast we stopped and watched them line dancing in the Piazza. They seemed to be doing very well Carol E would be impressed.

Next Ken went his way and I went to the big sale in the Coral dining room. It was really crowded but there was nothing there that I wanted or needed. Basically it was the same stuff and the prices are really not that great. I could have bought Santa Teddy bears for ten dollars but I don’t think they would impress Leo and Emmie so they stayed there.

Next stop was at the Effy store for one of their many raffles. I believe they have 2 or three a day. Janeen won a very nice ammolite pendant on one of the cruises and I won a set once. Perhaps I will go to more of their raffles on the next cruise.

Next stop was to check out what pieces of art will be in the rapid fire auction this cruise. It appears as if they will be doing a lot of Tarkay again.
For lunch we decided to share an orange and I had an apple. That was enough to be able to take my pills. Because we were full of breakfast not much was necessary.
We spent the afternoon blogging and sunning and relaxing and before we knew it the clock was showing 3:10, we had missed the wine tasting.
We decided that this was a perfect day to take part in Happy Hour so we went down to Club Fusion and ordered Mai Tais. The place was packed.

 This is where they would have the draw for free wine using the raffle tickets you get when you buy drinks at Happy Hour. It always happens on the last day of every cruise. They were also having the big Jackpot bingo there in Club Fusion. The last bingo is the one where the jackpot must go. So there were a lot of hopeful happy people in Club Fusion.

Because it was so crowded we decided to take our drinks out on deck seven and enjoy them there.
The sea was almost pudding smooth and even the wake of the ship was very small. It was hard to believe that this was the same stretch of ocean that made so many people so very sick only 4 days ago.

On the way back to our room we stopped at a jewelry sale . There we saw a wonderful aqua colored opal necklace set in silver. Ken bought it for me as an anniversary gift. I love it, the color is amazing.

Soon it was time to change for dinner. When we left our room there was suitcases in the hall. We are happy that none of those cases are ours but we know that that would not be the truth in eight days.

We went to dinner and Marilyn did not appear. We do not know why because she said she would be there. Again I was not hungry so I did not have a main course. I used my soup as my main course.
After dinner we checked out the art gallery and our Tarkay paintings. We wanted to approximate the dimensions of each of the three. I also wanted to take of picture of the frame that we choose for their framings.
After that we came back to our cabin. There wasn’t a show in the theatre that interested us.

Cruise three of the four has come to an end.

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