Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Costa Maya

Costa Maya

This was another amazing day. It began very early for us. We actually were awake through the night because the ship stopped rocking. I think the stillness woke us. Anyway we were awake for the day by six. The wake up call was for six thirty because we have to be on shore at 7:50. Breakfast arrived just after seven and the rush was on. The day began very cool… sixty one degrees is not what we expected. We actually wore our jackets when we left the ship.
Much to our pleasant surprise it was not long before it warmed up. But looking out from our balcony we realized we had been here before and the last time it was almost a hundred degrees.
We did manage to get to the point of assembly for the tour. We were given red wrist bands that entitled us to a free return taxi drive to the ship. Our guide was Ezekiel and he talked non-stop telling us about the area.

We were guided to a beautiful beach and our person in charge was Gabriel. He helped us pick lounges and then took our drink orders. This excursion included unlimited cocktails.

The area was beautiful. There was soft sand, waving palms, and calm shallow water. You could walk out without concern for your toes. For the first half hour I just sat with my jacket on and soon it was time to get rid of the jacket and get into my swim suit. There were very clean change rooms and bathrooms.

The excursion was great, we enjoyed the beach during the morning and around noon we headed back to the ship.
There is a very nice tourist trap with vendors and dancers and lively bars all along the beach and in this settled area.

We had a very nice morning and we would come here again.They even have a lighthouse!!!

During the morning we visited with other cruisers and the story was most always the same. People were sick all over the ship yesterday. I gather that Ken and I did very well. We laid low but we kept our stomach down.
We had a hot dog and fries for lunch and then returned to our cabin. I got into the shower to wash off the salt and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon.

We went to dinner and there were 2 new people at our table. Their names were Bill and Kathy and they are from Philadelphia. They are quiet people who spoke when spoken to, a sharp contrast from the previous 16 days with Fred and Mary and Randy and Janeen. Gosh we do miss them.

Tomorrow we are in Belize

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