Sunday, January 22, 2017

Saturday is another sea day!!

We spent Saturday relaxing and taking advantage of what the ship had to offer. I went another art auction but I did not buy anything and I did not win anything but I learned a lot. These events are lots of fun. The last night is always the parade of the baked Alaskan and the show of appreciation for the galley staff. That is a lot of fun. The others said good bye to Rui and Pat and Darwin and Ken and I said that we would see them tonight. They posed for pictures and there were hugs all around.
Outside of the dining room we exchanged hugs and good byes until  next January with Fred and Mary and Janeen and Randy. I think we have had more fun on this cruise than on any of the 38 previous cruises. They will be missed.
We returned to our room and spent some time on the balcony. The air was warm and the sea was calm. The stars were so bright that Venus actually left a glow on the water. We had the wonderful electric candle that Alice had given us and it gleamed in the darkness. What a wonderful way to end cruise number 2!!

Tomorrow we begin number 3 of 4.

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