Sunday, January 15, 2017

First Turn-Around Day

We enjoy turn around days when we are doing back to backs. There is somehow a smug satisfaction in now having to pack or disembark. The almost best part is not having to take part in the Muster Drills.
Because of the innate hustle and bustle that is part of this morning we decided to have room service breakfast in our room. It is so much easier to stay out of the fray.
After breakfast we vacated the room so that Desmond could clean the room. We went to pool side at deck 15 where I caught up on the blog and Ken roamed around the upper levels of the ship.
All 600 of us who are staying on board were required to bring our passport and go to the Princess Theatre at 10:45. We had to go through a customs process. It went very smoothly. We did not even have to leave the ship. Our cards were scanned and we showed our passports and walked out of the theatre. It was so fast and so efficient, KUDOS to the organizers.
All 6 of us met for a very nice very quiet lunch. After lunch we came back to our rooms and had a rest, and then skipped Muster. I just wish the sound did not come into our rooms.
The day was cool and cloudy so we did not spend much time on our balcony.
We had happy hour with our friends and dinner with them as well. Then we returned to our room because Ken is suffering with the first cold I have seen him have in almost a decade.
We have not received our mini bar so we will have to check into it tomorrow.

A relaxing night and the beginning of cruise number two!!

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