Thursday, January 12, 2017

Jan.10 continues into Jan.11

Last evening we had our get together at 4:30 . It was at Randy and Janeen’s cabin. Then we went to dinner and it was a lot of fun as usual. After dinner we were undecided as to what to do so we finally decided on a walk on deck. It was a beautiful moon lit night and it was warm and the sea was calm. It was almost like a movie set it was so nice. When we were standing trying to figure out which island we could see just off the port side Janeen came along. The others had either gone to bed or went to do laundry, We visited for a bit and then decided to go to the EFFY prize draw. It wasn’t too crowded and they were showing the pieces that featured the EFFY panther. At one point they decided that they needed a model and I was chosen to display a ten thousand dollar piece. It really was lovely with yellow gold and diamonds and emeralds. They offered to sell it to me for a bit less that half price. I declined their gracious offer. Neither Janeen nor I won a gift bag.

I went to the international café and picked up a specialty coffee for each of us to enjoy on our balcony. The evening was almost magical.
Then we returned to our room and I watched the farewell speech by President Obama. He certainly is an amazing speaker. The world is a better place because of him. He will be missed.

Today we are in St.Thomas. We did have an excursion planned but it was cancelled so we had no definite plans except meeting the group for lunch.
When I awoke the ship was docked. When we cruise to St Thomas the ship often docks at Crown Bay but today we are at Havensight. It was here that we stopped on our very first cruise and it was here that we bought my ring with the blue diamonds. This is one of the US Virgin Islands and because of that is a much more commercialized area. There are million dollar yachts docked in the harbour and they are well known for their shops selling diamonds. I don’t know that the locals have a better quality of life but from the ship you can see many very high end homes.

Breakfast was fun and the waited was a real comedian. Again there was lots of laughing going on.

After breakfast we walked the decks and watched all of the people pouring off of the 3 huge ships that are in port today. The Regal Princess is behind us and a Holland ship is in front of us.

We thought about going shopping but we really had nothing that we were looking for and the ship certainly was peaceful and calm. So we decided to stay on board. I made an appointment for a pedicure. That appointment was for 12:30 so a nice nap seemed to be just what the doctor ordered.
The pedicure was very good but very expensive. This is the last time I will not make certain to have my pedicure before I board a ship.

After the pedicure I basically enjoyed the ship and then got ready for Formal night. Tonight is escargot, my favorite and lobster, Ken’s favorite. Ken ate 3 lobster tails and I enjoyed my 6 escargo. During dinner the captain announced that there would be rough seas tonight and he advised us all to be careful when moving about.
I asked for strawberries for dessert and Pat delivered a wonderful serving of fresh luscious berries, yum.
All six of us headed for the captain’s circle cocktail party. We enjoyed our cocktails and the music. The most travelled passengers were in the 6,8 and 9 hundred day categories. There are 425 Elite members on board.
After the party we headed back to our rooms because the ship was already dancing a jig.
We are scheduled to get to Grand Turk around one o’clock.

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