Sunday, January 8, 2017

Second Sea Day

January 8, 2017
After such a busy day we decided that we would not order room service for breakfast. We would sleep until we woke and then we would go to the dining room for breakfast. That did not work. It was so comfortable that we slept until around eight. Breakfast is only served until nine and I had agreed to do water aerobics with the gals at ten. There would be no time to dress and get down to the dining room and eat and be up on deck 17 wearing a swim suit and ready to exercise by ten.
So we headed to Horizon Court and had our breakfast there. It was not busy and we ended up sitting alone which is not the norm.
After breakfast we got ready to go topside. Ken was going to get some sun and I was meeting the girls for exercise. Again the water was cold or I should say cool but before long I didn’t notice it. We spent about an hour in the cool pool and the hot tub.

I came back to the room, got out of my wet suit and headed for deck 5. Today is the Holiday Sale. Things are ten dollars and since I forgot to bring an evening bag I went shopping. I saw a few different things but I was good to resist temptation. I bought an evening bag, navy this time.( I have several black ones.)
I also bought a navy sunhat. I asked a few of the other ladies what they thought and all agreed it was a good choice.

Next stop was the International CafĂ©. It was not busy so I got 2 quiche and 2 oatmeal cookies and that was lunch for Ken and I. On the way back to the room with lunch I met Randy and Janeen and Fred and Mary and they have invited us to come for a drink before dinner. Today it will be in Fred and Mary’s mini suite. Boy I really like a mini. Did I mention that I won’t get a BF balcony again?

After lunch we laid down to nap for an hour. Just as we did there was a knock on the door. I had asked for a change of some of the drinks in our mini bar and I also ordered some fruit. At one time they always put fruit in your room and you could order more when you wanted it. They gave a selection of 2 orange, 2 apples and 2 bananas etc. Because there was so much waste they stopped doing it. Now you have to call room service and make a special request. So I asked for fruit when I asked for a drink change. Well instead of getting the usual small metal bowl with 6 or 8 pieces of fruit they delivered a lovely wire basket with a wonderful selection that includes grapes and strawberries and pears and bananas and apples and oranges. We are so impressed. I have checked our account a few times and there has not been a charge for the fruit… at least not yet.

We went to Fred and Mary’s cabin and had a very nice visit. Then the six of us headed for dinner. I know you must find this boring but the food was very good as usual. Because we left our anniversary cake last night they brought us another cake and the waiters sang again.

After dinner we headed for the Princess Theatre. The entertainment tonight was a comedian
His name was Steve Caouette. He basically worked off of his audience and I laughed so hard my ribs hurt.
Then we headed back to our room. Tomorrow we are in Antigua. This will be our first stop in Eastern Caribbean.

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