Monday, January 9, 2017

Day of fun!

This was our day to return to Antigua. Randy had arranged for a private tour of the Island. We had been here before and had seen the highlights of the island. The company was Lawrence of Antigua and our driver was Samuel. He had a very strong Caribbean accent and at times it was hard to understand him.
The van was a 15 passenger but we had the van all to ourselves, so with only six there was lots of room. It was air conditioned and had a speaker system

 As we drove we asked him questions and we learned a lot about the Island.

The currency is the Caribbean dollar but US dollars are accepted everywhere.
They have a health care plan and people contribute to it. Trips to a clinic are free and the medications are partially paid for by the government.
They have a college but students must go abroad for university. Each school has a distinct uniform that all students must wear. Education begins at 3 with government supported kindergarten and it continues on till eighteen years of age.
They have a parliamentary system with a Prime Minister and 17 members of parliament, elections are held every 5 years.
The island is 105 square miles big. The area is divided into towns with each town having a school and municipal government.
The main religion is Seven Day Adventist with most other religions represented.
They say they have 365 beaches, a different one for each day of the year. We saw several on our driving tour but nothing close to 365 so they must be remote. The capital of St.John’s is quite commercial, with lots of stores but most are obviously catering to the tourists.
Tourism is the main industry because the cotton and sugar industries have died.
The island is very scenic but they have a shortage of water. Homes have cisterns and many buy water.
Gasoline is 15.00 a gallon.
English is the main language.
Laborers earn about $100.00 a day and trades men earn about $150.00 a day.
Their coolest temperatures are in the mid sixties and their hottest are in the high eighties.
The population is about 70,000.
Besides answering our questions Samuel took us to see Fig Tree Drive, Shirley Heights, Nelson’s Dockyard and the National Park. We stopped at a beach for lunch and then made our way back to the ship.

We had the gang into our cabin for drinks before dinner. I got some nibblies to go with the wine. I think I overdid it because at dinner we all had trouble finishing our meal
The show in the Princess Theatre was “Broadway Ballroom” and it was sensational. They combined singing and dancing and fireworks and smoke and wonderful costumes with their amazing voices.

After the show we returned to our room and called it a night. Tomorrow we are in St.Kitts and we have a Thenford grey tour and beach time.

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