Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Comes to an end

Our cruise has come to an end.
We had the wake up call set for 6;00am but we were awake even earlier than that. The ship glided slowly into place and we were able to see Canada Place in all her glory. That is a beautiful sight. We have seen a lot of ports and I am not afraid to say that Vancouver is among the most if not the most beautiful.
We gathered the last of our things, dressed and left the room by 6:45. We took everything with us so that Rene could get the room ready for the next guests and so that we could relax and enjoy breakfast and not have to be concerned about being out of our room in time. Cabins must be vacated by eight.

We went to the Portofino dining room to enjoy a complete breakfast. We were seated at a table with four Americans, no one from BC for the first time during this cruise. One couple from Connecticut has sat with us before, Then there were 2 ladies from New York.
Ken had wondered why French Toast had not been on the menu. This morning he got his wish. They make it with VERY thick bread and it is rolled o Corn Flakes. It is very different from what we usually experience.
As you may or may not know, ever since Ken swam with the sting Rays in Tahiti he folds his napkin in a way that resembles a sting ray .This morning he left his last sting ray.
The dining room was quite busy and Captain Tuvo was around to say good bye and wish everyone safe travels and he left with his usual trade mark " Bye Bye" We laughed and visited with our table mates for at least an hour. The Connecticut people are staying on for another cruise so they were not in a hurry. The other two ladies were not in a hurry either.

Our time ti gather for the call to disembark was 9:45 so we were early. We waited in the Horizon Court until it was time for us to proceed to the Vista Longue. This area was set aside for Elite and Platinum passenger to use as a waiting area. It was set up very nicely with coffee and juice and pastries.
Everything went very smoothly and we were actually on our way off of the ship about 10 minutes ahead of schedule.
It was interesting to watch supplies being loaded and people lining up to board and chairs and tables being readied for the new passengers. I always wonder how the cruise does it. Certainly it is exciting for us but it must be difficult for them to stay enthusiastic cruise after cruise after cruise.

We reached Bob by cell phone with no problems at all.
We made our way up to the street where we waited for him. It felt good to be back in a way and the Hallowe'en decorations brought us a smile.

Soon Bob arrived , we loaded our suitcases in the Jeep and away we went.
The drive home was quick and uneventful.
We left Bob at his door at 11:11.

The little adventure has come to an end. We arrived home safe and sound again. We are so blessed.
It was just the break we needed. It was made extra special by the making of new friends, Ben and Almira; reconnected with former table mates like Marion and Joan; connecting with wonderful family like Ken and Wendy and enjoying the company of good friend made through cruising like Paula and Min.

The weather was cooler than we expected but it was wonderful none the less.

Is there such a thing as a bad cruise?
We don't think so and we will be back in January when we board the Caribbean Princess and spend time with more friends made through cruising. Randy and Janeen and Fred and Mary with make our time at sea even more enjoyable.

To quote another cruising friend
"Life is Good"
And to quote Captain Tuvo
" Bye-Bye"

1 comment:

Howard /Randy said...

I miss Ken's stingrays. I have to wait until January, I guess.

BTW - Welcome Home!