Wednesday, October 12, 2016

October 12th continued

 After breakfast we put our Canadian flag out.

We heard the announcement saying that we could go early to immigration so away we went. Basically it was a walk through. The hardly glanced at anything. We could have been almost anyone and they would not have noticed us. One thing is certain , they were not looking for BC Bud.:-)

Soon it was time to head for our gathering point for our shore excursion. When I looked for my cruise card I could not find it. We searched high and low and finally concluded that it was gone and we went to customer service to request a new card. I was so relieved to learn that it had been found in the Vista Lounge. I guess when I stopped to take a picture I dropped it.
We then headed for the Crown Grill which was our gathering place. Soon we were on our way. Our bus guide was Vickie. 

The bus travelled less than 10 minutes and we were at the dock where our cruise would depart from. There was a lighthouse there. It was called the rainbow Harbor Light . We had about 20 minutes before the cruise would begin so we decided to walk to the light. I was concerned about being late back but there was no need to be concerned, we had plenty of time. We got some very good pictures 

and then returned to join the line. We boarded and we were able to sit topside. The weather was a bit cool but not bad at all and before long the sun broke through the clouds. The tour was just as described. We learned a great deal. The geodesic dome that we walked through to get to our bus was the original home of the Spruce Goose. The man made oil islands are actually oil derricks and oil storage tanks and refineries. They have camouflaged them because the locals complained about them being eye sores. They are each named after Astronauts who died in flight accidents..

After the cruise we had about 90 minutes to explore. We walked over the bridge and went to a Starbucks for coffee. I had an iced coffee and Ken had a Mocha  Frapachino. We ended up sitting with a British couple who are also on board the Star.
We returned, and boarded the bus for the short trip back to the ship.
By now it was almost three o’clock so we went to Nepture Grill and had a hot dog instead of a full meal.
We got a call from Wendy and after some confusion we chatted with her and it was agreed that we would meet at 5:30.
Then it was back to the cabin. Ken got ready and went topside to get some sun and I had a nap. Then we got ready and disembarked again.
We met Ken and Wendy and we had an absolutely wonderful get together. They have a way of making us feel like we are the most important people in their lives and they could not be happier to see us.
I got so involved with our visit and catching up on the news that I completely forgot to take any pictures. I was so disappointed when I realized what I had done or I should say not done.
We had a great supper and we talked non stop for more than 2 hours. We pick up as if it was only yesterday and not years since we have seen each other. We just love that couple. As usual they would not allow us to pick up the check.
Then we came back to the ship. This is one of the few times that we have boarded after dark. The ship was beautiful with its lights shining and reflecting in the still water of the harbor.

We decided that we had been busy enough today and so we skipped going out for any other activities. We just called it a day and I worked on this update.

Tomorrow we are in Catalina.

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