Thursday, October 6, 2016

A Well Earned and Needed Break

In one way this is the cruise that almost didn't happen.
About a year ago we made the decision to take this cruise because it was Vancouver to Vancouver, no flights involved.
It was just a short 10 day cruise down the California coast. It was scheduled to stop at Santa Barbara, Catalina with an over night in San Francisco. Perfect because all of this would be new..

But life has a way of messing up your plans.
We have sold our home and we move and take possession of our new home on October 28th.
This cruise is from October 9 till 19th. YIKES!!!

We thought about cancelling but we decided that taking it would give us a badly needed break and a bit of a rest. We have discovered that we are not as young as we thought we were and this move is a lot more of a strain and a drain than we thought it would be.

This cruise will be a chance to stop hunting for boxes, thinking about what to pack, what to scrap and what keepsakes should go where in our new home.


So we have pulled out the suitcases and begun to Pack.
California here we come!!

1 comment:

Randy said...

OK, I'm following you on the blog.

Have a great trip.