Friday, June 17, 2016

Long Beach Rally /June 2016

Well the rally is over and I am recovered so it is time to write a report and let everyone know what they missed.
We had a grand time.
Here are the names of those who attended.

Battan, Randy and Janeen First timer

Bowman, Lorne and Sylvia
Caskey, Al and Del

Chittick, Larry and Marcia

Coleman, Dave and Lynn

Curtis, Kevin and Joan First timer
De Haan, Sid and Frieda

Eckhart, Dick and Carol

Edwards, Lavern and Norma

Eeg, Erik and Rosalie

Firkins, Larry and Helga

Fox,  Ed and Carol

Goold, Don and Valdene
Kimball, Phil and Leah

Lavey, Gerald and Linda
Marsters, Mike and Sandra
Nobel, Sally and Dennis,

Petite, Jerry and Barbara

Ruben, Dave and Marg First timer
Trout, Bob and Janet

Vorrath, Roland and Marilyn       
Willey, Les and Linda

There would be 18 rigs,
3 couples would use the Andersen cabins
(Edwards,Chittick and Curtis) 
and 3 couples would rent a place in town ( Foxx, Lavey and Vorrath)

Ken and I left Abbotsford on Sunday afternoon after church and lunch with our friends. We actually got across the border around three with no problems at all. Traffic ran smoothly with only a short slow down at Everett .
We stopped at Hawks Prairie for supper. It was very nice there because the air conditioning was working. The day was beastly hot on the drive down. Since the air on the Dodge is only partially working it was not the most comfortable ride.

We stopped for the night at Exit 79 on the I5 . By then it had cooled down and we were able to sleep. But when we arrived we were both so tired that we went right to bed. We had shopping to do but we decided that it could wait for morning. In the morning we did our Wal Mart shopping and we got the groceries we needed for ourselves and we got the ice cream for the rally.

We headed out and arrived at Andersens around noon. Al and Del Caskey had arrived only minutes before us. Before long Marg and Dave Ruben pulled in.
We spent the afternoon getting the trailer set up and sorting out all of the stuff for the rally. With Marg’s help the decision was made to hang the swags from the end of the picnic tables that were on each site. The men got busy and moved all of the picnic tables to the front of each site. The swags would be hung in the morning before people arrived. We also had candy canes for each site and they would also be placed at the table

You see last week Frieda Dehaan and Janet Trout and Rosalie Eeg and I got together and made Xmas decorations to be given to each couple as a memento of the rally. These were large bows with glitter covered pine cones hanging from the center of the bows. This glitter is anything but friendly actually it is a little too friendly and it gets on everything so outside was the best location for them. Ken assured us that no one wants glitter inside their rig. Our deck at home is still full of glitter I am sure.

We checked out the club house and carried all of the rally stuff up there so we could decorate tomorrow.
But now it was time for Happy Hour.
Of course we had to get our Santa Hats , after all this is the Christmas in June Rally.

After supper Ken and I and Marg and Dave went down to the beach. In 2014 I didn’t get to the beach even once so I had never seen it. Rally stuff kept me so busy but I made sure to get there this time.

It is a beautiful sandy beach that goes on and on. The sand is powder soft and there are no shells or sea glass to collect. Today is much cooler than yesterday and so we were dressed for the cool ocean breezes.

We slept well and after breakfast it was time to get to work. Ken and Dave moved all of the tables and they put a nail in the end of each table about 2 inches back from the edge and in the center. This spot made the swags hang just so. When we got them in place they looked very festive and very welcoming.
We hung swags outside the 2 cabins , making certain that each couple got one. We set aside 3 for the couples staying in town.The extras were put on the outside of the club house doors.

Next step was to decorate the club house. That huge hot tub in the middle  presented a problem but we worked around it and by noon the club house looked as if a rally was about to begin.

Here is the schedule for the next few days. Busy, Busy, BUSY!!!

Things were very quiet in the morning but soon the rigs began to arrive and by the time happy hour began we had the makings of a party. All of the golfers had arrived and many that were not golfing were already on site. People got into the spirit of things and they dug out their Santa Hats and got into the swing of things. This is going to be a fun rally.

While we were decorating the club house we discovered much to our delight and surprise that 2 deer had decided to check out the munchies in the grassed area near the club house. The comment was made the Santa had sent the reindeer to join our Christmas in June celebration. What could be more perfect??


The morning of June 8th meant the beginning of our rally. Golfers headed out and many of us descended upon the club house . It was time to make the decorations for the tree and to make it look festive and gay. Andersens provided us with a fine little tree.
We made 4 different types of tree decorations. They were very simple so everyone was successful and everyone had a great time and lots of fun.

Marilyn and Marcia brought wall hangings and Leah brought 2 little trees. Linda brought a snoring Santa, Marg brought garland and the elves all set to work.

We put Al to work getting the lights on the tree for us. He and Marg were on top of the pool table making certain our little Charlie Brown tree could look as good as possible. It took some doing but they got it just right.

There were word games to play, a Xmas jig saw puzzle to do and "Get well" cards and "We Are Thinking of You" cards to sign for those who could not join us for health reasons . Those missing and sent greetings were the Bairds, the Reeds, the Kidds, the Candlers, the Goolds and the Bancrofts.

We had our first official Happy Hour with most of the group. We were entertained by Sid and Frieda, Erik and Larry and Les. Their music and the visiting and the laughter made it a perfect fun time. Do you know how much noise can be made by 44 people laughing and singing and reminiscing?

Thursday June 8th, the rally officially begins

Ilwaco Day

The day began with breakfast and line dancing and then car pooling to the Painted Lady Lavender farm. It is only one mile from Ilwaco so it was not a long drive . Ken was in the lead and Al Caskey acted as tail gunner. We had great luck with green lights and we lost no one.

This was a grand adventure , it was such a unique place and it was so much fun.
We were given a guided tour of all of the many little nooks and crannies of the place. We were provided with a lavender beverage and lavender cookies and sandwiches. We were even given a little snack of day lilies to mark the occasion.

She had a lovely little gift shop and several of us made purchases. I bought a sachet to use in the clothes dryer.

There was no official admission charged but we left a stipend of fifty dollars.

What a great part of our Christmas in June celebration!

After the lavender farm we went into Ilwaco and just looked around. We stopped at Don Nesbitts and enjoyed seeing some of his new work. He is so talented. It would be nice to own more of his work.
We had lunch on the board walk. Leah and Phil and Les and Linda were in the same eatery. We had Randy and Janeen with us and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.
After lunch we had an hour to spare so we showed them around a little. They had not been to Ilwaco in many years. At one point we can across a mini bus/trolley that had been painted by Don Nesbitt so we had to take pictures of both sides of it of course.

The scheduled event for this afternoon was a trip to the Columbia Pacific Maritime Museum in Ilwaco.

We were really surprised at how comprehensive it was.

Fortunately the gentleman in charge of the old train car which they hope to restore some day was there and he agreed to show us around in it.

They had an excellent display that would make any community proud and is a real credit to a community of 750 people.
There was a model train display on the upper level so we had to watch that run for awhile. I had to drag Ken out of there.

 On the main level there was a display of photography taken using infra red which is something I had never seen before. All in all it was a great success.
Thursday was free day but we left them a stipend of 50 dollars. They were pleased with this gesture.

We had dinner on our own and because it was not great weather we did not have the scheduled camp fire and marshmallow roast but the ice cream social went ahead as planned.
Kevin and Joan arrived in time for ice cream. So now the gang is all here.

 We had 8 different flavors and even though everyone had their fill we still had ice left over. Yummy!!

The first of three days had come to a successful end.

Continental breakfast was great. Dick and Carol chose wonderful fruit etc. The Greek yogurt was delicious. Sylvia Bowman brought the muffins and cinnamon rolls again. I thought she was bringing them for one morning. I could not believe she was supplying them for all three day. Boy that lady can cook!!.

This was the morning we were scheduled to take a ride on the Astoria trolley. It is an antique and they do not take it out in the rain. Using Les’s phone we were able to reach them and learn that it was also raining in Astoria so the ride was cancelled. We stayed on the grounds for the morning but many people wandered off on their own. Dennis and Sally left early because they had to go to a graduation. They will be missed.

The scheduled event for the afternoon was a tour of Flavel House in Astoria.
That was an amazing man. His wife was even more amazing in my opinion. She was married at 14 years of age and yet she ran this household successfully. Apparently she was only 4 foot 9 inches tall and that accounts for all of the very low railings and furniture.

George Flavel was a ship captain and a realtor. He built this grand mansion to show his wealth to all. However he only enjoyed the house for 7 years. His wife and daughters lived there and the wife and one of the daughters died there. The house was willed to the town of Astoria. It has been successfully restored to its former glory.
Our guide Sally was great.
We left a payment of $200.00 for our tour. They were pleased with having a small gratuity.

We learned that this was the 67th wedding anniversary of Norma and LaVern Edwards so as soon as we left Flavel House we headed to Safeway to get a cake. Since this is pot luck supper night the cake with left over ice cream would be the perfect finishing touch.

Norma cut the cake and we sang to them. They seemed to be very pleased with the surprise.

As usual we had entirely too much food and there was a wonderful assortment of flavors. We certainly do have some great cooks in this group.

After supper we cleaned up and then at 7:30 we played card bingo. We had 90 gold dollars and 10 paper dollars to give away.
It was a lot of fun especially for the first timers.

The first timers were Randy and Janeen Battan, Kevin and Joan Curtis and Marg and Dave Ruben. All three couples are good friends of ours and they accepted our invitation to come to the rally. The Battens and the Rubens had rigs but the Curtis family is currently shopping for a new rig. However they did not let that stop them. They rented one of the cabins.

It was so great to welcome these friends to our "Christmas in June" celebration.

Saturday dawned a bit gray but it was not raining.
Breakfast in the club house was great as usual, after breakfast we set up the tables for this evenings session.
Because the Cranberry Museum, our morning destination, was so close that we did not have to car pool until 10:30. When we arrived we were greeted by a great guide.

We were given and amazing and informative tour of the research station and museum. These cranberry growers are part of the Ocean Spray coop. She explained exactly how this worked
It seems as if for the most part the growers are pleased with this arrangement.

She explained how harvest was conducted and by the looks of the crop on the vines they will be very busy at harvest time.

Next she took us inside to tour the museum. It was very comprehensive with displays of harvesting equipment and posters and some literature. Again our guide was very informative.

They have quite a nice gift shop with a good variety of items available for purchase . I had to get some salt water toffee and I also got some essential oils. Others in the group shopped as well.
This museum has no admission but we did give them a stipend of fifty dollars.

After this tour we went to the Cove restaurant and paid the caterer and checked things out.
Back to the park for lunch.

The tour this afternoon was to the kite museum in Long Beach. We kept out fingers crossed that the weather would cooperate and it did. Gray but no rain and a bit of a breeze was perfect.

The variety of kites on display was amazing.

While here we watched videos of the history of kites, learned that this is the only kite museum in the US, made our own kite and then tested it in the flying field.

Some of us even tried to fly our little kites inside. But outside was much better.

Holli, our guide posted 21 pictures of us on the face book page of the Kite Museum. They are great.
Check it out.

There is a gift shop attached to the museum but be warned the kites are amazing but they are also quite expensive. There were tee shirts promoting the kite festival of 2015 which were marked WAY down. The 2 which I bought have the art work of Don Nesbitt which really pleased me.

This tour costs 4 dollars per senior, we gave them $200.00 to cover fees and tips. It was a grand event and by the smiles on peoples faces they enjoyed this trip back to their childhood.

By now it was time to head back to the park and begin to get ready for our big night. Ken and I dressed in our Christmas best and went to the Cove. The idea was to be there first so we could greet and welcome people to the Christmas in June celebration of the Pacific North West Travelers.

Sondra had the place nicely decorated. Even" the stockings were hung by the chimney with care". I created and brought centerpieces, Leah brought her special trees.

Before long everyone had arrived and was enjoying a pre dinner drink......everyone except Roland that is. So we were certain to applaud and cheer when he did arrive.

Sondra called dinner we drew lots to see who would go first and then Les said Grace.

The meal was thoroughly enjoyed by all and soon it was time to head back to the Park for the rest of our Christmas celebration.
Again Roland was the last to arrive and again we were sure to tease with cheers and applause.

We played the Mrs. Wright game and laughter rang through out as people got mixed up and when the gifts were opened.

We shared stories about our most favored Christmas decorations. With all of us , it was not the most expensive or the most beautiful that was favoured but it was the one which touched our hearts that we held most dear.

Soon it was time for Santa's elves to get to work and return the clubhouse to its pre Christmas state. Many would leave early in the morning.
But Boy oh boy it was a fun rally and it will be remembered.

Until we meet again.


Unknown said...

Carolyn, you and Ken and the rest of your 'gang' made us 'first-timers' feel very comfortable and welcome. Thank you for inviting us to your 'Christmas in June' rally.

Janeen & Randy

sandy in spain said...

Looks like you all had a great time