Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sea Day

Monday October 17
It was a pretty rocky night. Not enough to make you sick but enough to let you know you were not on land. When moving around you had to be careful.
We ordered room service for breakfast because we wanted to eat light. Tonight is formal night. Escargot and lobster will be on the menu and I do enjoy the escargot. We also made a lunch date with Ben and Almira. So we have to take it easy early in the day.
We had a wake up call set for seven and much to my surprise the moon was shining in all of its glory.

 I thought it had to be a mistake but it was not. Anyway once breakfast arrived we continued to rest. The only thing hot was the coffee and it was in a
thermos server.
But we finally got up and had our cereal. The ship is still rocking a bit.
Ken went topside to look around and I worked on the blog for yesterday. It was such an event filled day and we took so many pictures. The internet was slow so that chore took about 2 hours.
Next Ken and I went down to check out the holiday sale. There was nothing there that we could not live without.
Then we waited for Ben and Almira. We had a wonderful visit and before we knew it an hour and one half had passed.

We had a bit of a rest and Ken got some sun .Then I went up to the SPA and got my hair done. The appointment at least meant my hair was clean. I am seldom satisfied with a hair appointment, especially when the hair dresser is not accustomed to my hair.

I came back here and plugged in the curling iron and tried to make my hair at least presentable. This is formal night so we had canapés delivered just as I got back. We finished off our bottle of wine and dressed for dinner. Tonight was escargot and lobster, yum!!

I got pictures of our waiters and our steward.

Tonight was the captain circle party. We were quite far back in the line but much to our surprise we were directed to a seat in the second row. So I was able to get a few great pictures. We had a rum punch and enjoyed watching the dancers.

Then it was time to listen to the captain’s presentation and see the awards given to the most travelled passengers. The most travelled one had 1209 days on a Princess ship. We began to cruise too late to ever get to this level
They then drew for the 3 bottles of champagne and our name was not drawn.:-(They also gave certificates for people who were on the 50th cruise( our goal) and those who were on their 75th cruise…
After dinner we decided to have our pictures taken in a couple of places. It has been a couple of years since we have had one done. After the pictures we returned to our cabin and changed our clothes. Then we went down to Crooners and listened to Funch.

 He performs magic on the piano and he has such a mellow voice. We then headed for the theatre. They were presenting a new show tonight. For the first time we were given programs as we entered the theater. The names and a short bio of each performer was written there. Also there was a quite elaborate folder telling all about the the production of the show itself. I gather it was writer by the same person who wrote “Wicked” The show is called Born to Dance.

We sat there for the 45 minutes waiting for the show to begin. The theater was full even though this was the second show. The ship was moving and apparently one of the mechanisms that is used to raise and lower parts of the stage developed a problem. The show was only 5 minutes in when they had to stop it. Open holes in a stage make it difficult for dancers to perform.
We don’t usually go to a second show. In fact this is the first time we have ever attended the late show. I guess we were a jinx.

We were told the show would not go on so we all filed out. By now it was well after ten so we returned to our cabin and called it a night.

Tomorrow is the last day… packing , YUCK!!

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