Saturday, October 15, 2016

Santa Barbara

Friday, October 14, 2016,
Today we are in Santa Barbara. We docked so smoothly that when we awoke the tenders were already down. But we were in pea soup fog. We could see nothing!!

We went to the dining room for breakfast and we met some very interesting people. Two ladies were from the Burnaby area and a couple from Edmonton. We had a grand time getting to know each other . Ron and Yvonne travel a lot and I told them about Kim. They asked for her information. For the first time I had forgotten to bring a card with me so we wrote each other’s info on sticky notes. They gave us their room number so I will drop off a card to them later today.
I had fruit and oatmeal again and I managed to resist temptation when the goodie man came by. It sure is hard to look the other way when he comes around.

We received our invitation to the Captain’s Circle party. It will be on Monday and the party begins at 7 so if dinner service is not quick we may just be skipping dessert so we can go to the party.

We intend to go to the Future Cruise office and buy 2 more deposits. We do not have any left

We came back to our room and tried to make contact with our friend who lives here in Santa Barbara. That was nor successful so we will be exploring on our own later this afternoon. We are hoping the fog will have lifted by then.

At eleven o’clock or so the fog lifted and we headed for the tenders

. We got ashore right away with less than a 5 minute wait. We were at the front of the line so we were able to go topside. The sun was shining and it was beautiful.

 We decided that we could walk to the Maritime museum. We did. It was a very nice walk and anyone who knows Ken knows how much he loves museums. We spent a couple of hours there. It is truly a very nice museum.

At around 2:30 we decided it was time to begin the wall back. Again it was a beautiful day. The line up was VERY long but it went fairly quickly and we enjoyed visiting with the people near us in the line.

By the time we got back to the ship I was feeling like it was time to get something to eat. Ken wanted to get some sun and he went topside and I went to the International Café for a quick sandwich.
I also stopped by the Future Cruise center to pick up a brochure.
Then it was back here to work on the blog. When I got to the cabin there was a note that was written by Janet Trout when she left the Star on October 9th. It certainly took them a while to deliver her note. They apologized profusely.

Dinner was great. I gave in and had the Norman Love dessert.

As soon as we finished we headed for the theater. The singers and dancers were doing the British Invasion and we wanted to see it. We were glad we arrived when we did because it was standing room only as usual. The sound was good almost all of the way through except they cranked it up entirely too high for the last number.

When we got back to the room the ship was beginning to dance. It was not wind because there were no white caps but the swells were very extreme. I took a Gravol because I knew it would be needed. We decided to go to the hot tubs at the sanctuary pool on deck 15. I was glad I took a pill because the ship was really dancing now. The hot tubs are at one end of the pool and the ship would ride up and the water from the main pool would splash up over the sides and on to the floor and into the hot tub. It was quite the experience. The full moon could be seen behind the mist and high clouds and the roar of the splashing waves and water made it a rather spectacular sight.

We managed to make our way back to the room without incident. But as soon as we arrived I got into bed. It was just too rocky to sit and blog.

The night was noisy and rough. This is the first movement we have had during the entire cruise.

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