Thursday, October 13, 2016

Catalina Visit.

Thursday, October 13, 2016
As is usual for us we slept very well. We had a wake up call set for seven but we woke around 6:30.
We went to breakfast in the dining room. We were at a wonderful table for 6 near a window. One couple was from Comox area and the other was from Connecticut. I had the usual oatmeal but as a special today the menu featured a fruit plate. It featured papaya, melon, pineapple and strawberries. It was so very good. The papaya was at the perfect stage of ripeness.

We have a short coastal wildlife cruise planned for today. We have to meet our group at the Crown Grill and then we will be tendered ashore. The tour is planned from 10:45 till 12:45. Then we have the afternoon free. The weather has been cool but it is supposed to be hot and sunny this afternoon. Perhaps we will pay a visit to one of the pools after lunch. We left the cabin and walked around the deck and watched some of the tendering process.

We got our first views of Catalina on the tender ride into the Island.

The tour was very good. But when it began I knew it was going to be necessary that I take a gravol. Now I wasn’t expecting that so I had nothing to drink. Getting that tablet down without water was a real challenge. I managed but I ended up with a terrible taste in my mouth, I asked our guide if he had water and he did.. So after a drink and a mint I felt better.
But the tour was wonderful. The power launch was clean and roomy and clean. There were only eleven of us on the tour so it was easy to move around and see the dolphins and the sea birds and the sea lions.

We were back on the ship around one. We had a light lunch at the international café and then went back to our cabin. By now it was sunny and almost hot. Ken sat in the sun to work on his tan and I had a nap. The gravol had not worn off and I was sleepy.
We dressed for dinner and had some wine . That bottle of wine is almost full and the days are going by.
The disembarkation paper had arrived so we took it to the customer service drop box and then people watched for about 10 minutes till it was time for dinner.
We had great selections. I had the mushroom tartlet and the salad and the salmon and the sugar free dessert., Ken has a scallop appetizer, Caesar salad, prime rib and ice cream. They had an amazing Black Forest cake but we decided to pass on the high calories.

John and Margret were absent. We will have to ask them what happened when we see them tomorrow. On the way out of the dining room we stopped and chatted with Carol’s cousin Ben.
Then we made our way to the princess theater. The show tonight starred a magician, Alex Ramon. As usual with magicians he left us scratching our heads and wondering how he did what he did.

Now we are back in our cabin and we may just be here for the night. We thought about going to the hot tub but I think that is just going to be a thought and no more,

Tomorrow we are in Santa Barbara.

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