Monday, July 22, 2013

WOW!! I Did It!

Today we planned to travel to Big Sable Point Lighthouse. But the problem is the fact that it is a 2 mile walk to get to the light.I really didn't know if I could walk that four miles. I knew for sure that I couldn't walk it in 30 degree heat. The forecast was for a cool morning so we decided to give it a try. We found the park and paid another admission and headed down the path across the dunes. The walkway was well maintained and in spots it was actually shaded. it opened at ten and we were there at 10:05, which was pretty good.

The lighthouse was fabulous. The people volunteering were wonderful. They even gave us a private tour of their living quarters. We got stamps and bought Xmas tree ornaments.
We climbed the 130 steps all of the way to the top. Heart pounding again.We got stickers saying that we had climber to the top.
 That climb  following a 2 mile walk took its toll. I was bushed already

There are two ways to get to the light. You can walk the path through the dunes or you can walk along the lakeshore. We decided to walk the shore on the return. This was much harder to do. It may have been because walking in sand is difficult or it may have been because I was already tired from the first walk and the climb to the top of the lighthouse. For a while I wondered if I was going to make it. But I did make it!!!

We had lunch at Subway in Pentwater and then we went to take photos of the breakwaters there.

Our next stop was at the Ludington North Breakwater light.
I expected to take pictures at a distance. By now we are back to 30 degrees and I am tired from the previous climb and walk.
But it was not to be. This lighthouse has recently been restored and is now opened for tours and for climbing.
Besides that it is a half mile out on the breakwater so I would have to add another mile to my days total walked. I had come this far so there was not giving up now.

 This one is very different in that the base is shaped like the bow of a ship. The reason is to help break the force of the waves as they hit the lighthouse. This one has just recently been opened and it is run by the Sable Point Lighthouse Keepers Association as is the previous three that we visited.
Inside there are ladders to get from one level to the next and eventually to the top, it does not have a circular staircase.It has 4 levels so away we went. I got a stamp for my book and a sticker saying that I had climbed to the top of this one also.

We head south again tomorrow. More lighthouses are waiting to be photographed and climbed.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Congratulations on your strenuous walk on a hot day! You did well-- just think of the calories expended!
Wow, you sure are seeing a lot this trip thru ie lots of lighthouses!