Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Second Tour

Yesterday we went West when we left the harbour and today we went East, so yesterday all of the lighthouses were in Lake Michigan. Today the lighthouses were in Lake Huron. It was even hotter today but because we knew the procedure we didn't leave here until it was almost time to board.
We boarded The Hope just after two o'clock.

In the same manner as yesterday we went from light to light with the captain spinning the boat 360 degrees so everyone on board could get a good view and take pictures.

Poe Reef Crib Light

The tour was narrated by the same excellent guide. Terry Pepper. He has written a booklet about the lights that we visited during these 2 tours and we bought the book and he autographed it for us.

At the end of the day we went to the gift shop for my passport stamps and of course we had to purchase a tee shirt.
Then we came back to the camp to rest and hide from the heat.
Tomorrow Traverse City.

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