Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Muskegon and Grand Haven

This was another amazing day. We left Whispering Surf and headed for Conestoga Campground. It is in the Grand haven area and we will spend three nights there getting lighthouses in the area.
We left Whispering Surf around 10:30 and we were settled and having Lunch in Conestoga by one o’clock. So it was a short day driving wise.
After lunch we headed out. This time we went north and we saw the lights at Muskegon first. There is not a museum and you cannot climb these lights so all we could do is take pictures. There are no stamps to get and no souvenirs to buy.

Muskegon Breakwater Light

Then we drove to Grand Haven. This is a beautiful double light  Unfortunately it is in another state park. If only we had known about the yearly admission for out of state people, We have already spent more that the years pass would have cost and we still have at least one more park to pay admission to.
Anyway we grudgingly paid the admission and walked out to take pictures.

Renovations being done right now.

 They have wonderful signs telling you about the 50 people who have died on this pier from being swept off of the pier in storms.
The wind is blowing today and waves are crashing over the pier..
We took some pictures and I came back to the truck and Ken walked out a bit further and took a few more pictures.
I did not find a place for a passport stamp which seems almost unbelievable. There just has to be a place to get a stamp.

We returned to our beautiful campsite and had super. This is a lovely campground right on the Grand river and it is a Passport America sight which makes it even more special.
Entry to Conestoga Campground

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