Sunday, July 14, 2013

Rain and No Raincoat

Well last night it rained and rained and I was concerned because I don’t have a rain coat on board. I laid there wondering what to do if the rain continued.
Fortunately it was not raining in the morning and we were able to get away and stay dry. Unfortunately we did not stay bite free. The mosquitoes were out in force and both Ken and I are scratching tonight.
We left Minnesota and drove through Wisconsin and now we are in Michigan.
The country side was beautiful and in Wisconsin we were impressed by how well kept all of the yards are. People mow there grass right up to the edge of the highway. I am certain the ride on lawn mower business just booms there . We made a Wal-Mart stop during the day and I now have a poncho just in case it should rain in the daytime J

We are now  in a place called Ishpeming. It is the nicest campground yet and since it is a Passport America member it is the least costly. The reason we choose to be here is the fact that it is within walking distance of a theatre and we are going to see the Lone Ranger.
Hey I just heard a loon, I don’t think I’ve heard the call of a loon since we were here in 2007.

I will let you know if we liked the show.

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