Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Lighthouse Boat tour!

We explored the campground a little  this morning and then we packed a picnic lunch and headed for McGulpin Point. it was easy to find and when we arrived we found a very special lighthouse. For a while it was privately owned but now it is back to being open for public viewing. They had great exhibits. Most rooms were furnished in the period, a film of shipwrecks on the great lakes was running and they had a very nice gift shop. I was able to get a magnet and a stamp for my passport.

We left there around noon and drove into Mackinaw City and found the place where we are to board the boat for the lighthouse tour.Because they don't let you bring food on board we had our picnic lunch and then took the shuttle from the overflow parking lot to the dock. We were there early because we thought they would board that way but it was not the
case. They give you a boarding number when you purchase your tickets so we were numbers 77 and 78. There was no need to get there early.
Boarding took place at 2:00.

The boat was very nice, the day was sunny and hot, the water was calm, the tour guide was amazing and interesting and the lights were special and new to us. What more could we have asked for?

A stamp in my book for each of the new lights and another boat tour tomorrow, that is the more we can ask for and what I got and will get tomorrow.:-)

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