Sunday, July 14, 2013

Two Hundred Twelve

Friday, July 12, 2013
We were not in a hurry today because Grand Marais was not very far up the coast from Lamb’s Resort.
The road was not the best and Ken did a bit of grumbling. As we drove along Lake Superior with the opposite shore nowhere in sight we can believe that this is the largest freshwater lake in the world. I did not realize that it contained 10% of the world’s fresh water.
When we arrived in town we were glad to know that we did not have the trailer with us. There was lots of traffic and the way to the light was not well marked. We found our way and walked out along the breakwater to photograph it. You can climb a ladder to the base of the lamp room but you cannot get inside.

It is a steel frame style painter white with a black top.It is a beautiful sunny day and the light shows well.
Across the mouth of the harbour you can see another beacon. It is a solid tube with a green stripe. This community dates back to the time of Radison and the Voyagers and seeing those names on plaques reminds us of studies in grade school.

After seeing the light we toured the Cook County Museum where the lens from the lighthouse can be found. At this time they do not have a stamp for my passport but they have taken our card and they will mail me a stamp.

We had lunch at a nice little local place called “The Fish Market” Ken has the chowder and I had the clams. It was very good and the view was great. After lunch we went to the shore and viewed the Hjdoris. It is a floating school where seaman skills are taught. 

We explored a few of the many shops and I found a very nice coffee table book about lighthouses. Unfortunately we could not find a magnet or a Xmas tree ornament of the light at Grand Marais.
On our return we stopped at  Ray Berglund Wayside.
This was a beautiful location and we spent about an hour walking the beach and looking for pretty stones. Ken built an Inookshuk on the shore.

 Then we shared a super sized cinnamon bun.
We continued back to the campground and our trailer.

A great day!

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