Saturday, July 6, 2013

Independence Day in the USA

July 4th/2013
We are spending Independence Day in Whitfish Montana.
All day we have been hearing ads for the sale of Fireworks and we were told by the campground that that would be having a fireworks display in the area of the petting zoo.
Of course we thought the fireworks would begin at dusk or later. Around nine o’clock long before dark we began to hear sounds of fireworks. We wondered who would begin so early, the sun was still shining.
Well at ten o’clock we watched for awhile and believed that the show would be about 15 minutes long and there would be no sense in walking down to the zoo area.
Well the fireworks became more and more intense and they lasted until almost midnight. Every time we thought it was over it would start up again. Our thought was how much did they spend on Fireworks.
Well the next morning when we were at breakfast we commented about the cost of such a display.
Paul proceeded to tell us that they had a few fireworks but by far the bulk of it was done by Canadians who were at the park.
He told us how the Canadians come down every year and they buy copious amounts of fireworks and they set them off.

But we heard that Americans purchase over $ 600,000.00 for this weekend alone.

It really was an awesome display no matter who paid for it. It was not as grand and it was not set to music like the Festival of Lights in Vancouver but it lasted much longer.

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