Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6th

July 5th,
We awoke early and we went for breakfast at Buffalo Bob’s. Then we hooked up the rig and left the park.
Ken gingerly drove down the highway with the destination being Don K’s Dodge dealership in Whitfish.
Greg met us in the lot immediately and then we explained our problem and he directed us to safe parking at the back of their lot.
We arrived there at 8:30 and at 10:30 we were leaving with our problem solved and a spare filter in hand.
We were so pleased with the service. Ken had feared the worst. He was imagining being there for days and needing major repairs. Our guardian angel is still taking good care of us.
We picked up route two not far out of town and we continued on our way.
The scenery in the mountains was so amazing. We climbed to the top of Maria Pass, a height of over 5500 feet. It was so beautiful that we decided to stop there for our lunch. We ate, took pictures and thoroughly enjoyed the hour.

At one o’clock we were on our way again.
By 1:10 we were out of the mountains and in the grass lands. No more trees and no more mountains for a while.

The day was lovely, not too hot at all.
On several occasions Ken was thrilled by passing diesel trains.
We searched for almost 2 hours to find a RV park with no luck . Finally we were tired and it was time to call it a day .

We stopped at Malta Montana and spent the night in the local city park. The air was so clear and a pair of doves called it home so we were serenaded all evening.

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