Monday, July 8, 2013

July 8th update

This morning we went to the Dodge Dealers and had a very unsatisfactory encounter. They certainly need lessons in people skills.
 They didn't even offer to look at the truck, basically told us they were booked up until August and could not help us, so go away.
Finally after a good deal of insisting we got the name of another diesel mechanic in this city.
They were completely opposite in their attitude. They looked at the truck right away and determined that a new pump was indeed necessary and they had a replacement pump in stock and they would do the work tomorrow morning.
So we are going to be here in Minot for another 2 days but then we can continue on with peace of mind. We will not be worrying that we will have a major breakdown in the middle of the country.
It is an inconvenience but it could have been a lot worse.
If that Dodge dealer had his way we would be sitting here until August.
So if things go the way intended we will be on the road again on Wednesday morning.
We are well and safe and comfortable and relaxing which is what you are supposed to do on a vacation. We just didn't plan to spend 4 days in Minot ND.
Till next report

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