Tuesday, July 16, 2013

An Amazing Day

We woke up fairly early and because the internet was strong we took care of a few things including finding a camp ground for the next three nights. This is such a tourist destination that it was not easy. Our next stop was to be only a few miles away but being in the center of lighthouse country meant sites were hard to find on short notice and they are very pricy. The cost per night at the Petoskey KOA was a base price of $59.75. Anyway we lucked out and we are at a wonderful camp ground called Mackinaw Mill Creek campground, just in case you want to look it up
We crossed the bridge just after noon ( meant a lower rate) we settled into out beautiful, treed,private spot, had lunch and then left to hunt lighthouse number 215.
We traveled down route 31 and arrived at Petoskey Harbour. It was a beautiful, hot, sunny day. There were teenagers  all over the Pier Head. They were diving into the water with reckless abandon. Oh to be young again.
The light is a red and white column. Not very exciting, no stamp or magnet or museum available. But it was a beautiful day for a walk along the pier.

We continued along our way and the next stop was a little town called Charlevoix. I guess the voyageurs left some French influences behind. Anyway it is a lovely little town and we easily found lighthouse number 216. It is also located at the end of a pier, but here there is a wonderful sandy beach with great swimming and it even has a lifeguard. We found a nice place to park with some shade because by now it is 28 degrees out there. We walked to the end of the pier, took pictures, enjoyed the sea breeze and watch a family with young children fishing. Both of the little ones, ( ages 4 and 6 maybe) caught fish and the squeals of excitement were so much fun to witness.

We walked back to the truck and Ken decided to go for a dip. He got out a folding chair for me and I sat in the shade and enjoyed a cool drink while he went into the water. We both found it unbelievable that the lake was as smooth as glass . There was not a ripple all day.
Soon it was time to head back. As we drove through town we were so impressed with how neat and tidy it was. They have flowers planted all along the main street. In the picture you will see how they have the usual piece of grass between the sidewalk and the road but then they also have a border of about one footof petunias. Thousands of plants. They must mandate that people care for them , I just can't imagine a city crew assigned to water and weed the border.
For the return to Mill Creek Ken chose to drive along route 119 instead of 31 which was the way we came. we picked this route up at a place called Iron Springs. This road was amazing, it runs along Lake Michigan so it affords amazing views to your left, and on your right are some of the most amazing mansions.( I can't begin to guess at the prices). But most amazing of all are the wonderful trees overhead. For a lot of the 20 miles the trees meet overhead and it is as if you are driving through a tunnel.

We saw a sign that actually had the phrase "Tunnel of Trees". So I googled it when I got back here and sure enough it came up. So you can check it out by going to 
www.visitharborspringsmichigan.com/tunnel of trees
or just google tunnel of trees.
As we travelled this amazing route we were looking for a place to eat. It was almost eight o'clock when we came to the end of the tunnel and arrived at a place called Cross Village
We did not know it but we had arrived at a place that has Legs Inn which is a "Monument to nature" and it is listed as a state of Michigan Historic Landmark. I gather it is a famous tourist destination, acknowledged by major magazines, TV and radio stations , newspapers, tour groups and guests from around the world.So of course we stopped!

Go to www.legsinn.com to read all about it and its originator.
We had a nice meal here and then we continued on home.It was an amazing day and as we were about to enter the camp we were treated to a beautiful big red sun setting in our side view mirrors.
 An amazing, event filled, memorable day had come to a spectacular end.

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