Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mission Point

Old Mission Point
This is July 20 and we are still at the fairgrounds. Because it is Saturday and peak travel season we thought finding a campground tonight would be very difficult so we decided to spend one more night here. And besides we had not yet been to Old Mission Point.
We planned to get away early but we ended up chatting with Nancy and Tom.
We finally got away and headed for Mission Point. It was north of here through more beautiful countryside. Again we passed by vineyards, farms, summer homes, beautiful estates and lovely lakeside vistas.
The lighthouse is at the very top of the Mission peninsula and it is a grand old place.
Very well restores complete with a gift shop where I was able to get another stamp for my passport. They did not have a Xmas tree ornament however.

Ken and I climbed the tower and enjoyed the view. In the distance we could see what we were told was the automated buoy that replaced the lighthouse when the light was decommissioned.

There has been a change in the weather and it is finally cool, mid seventies is where I like it.. It was actually cool up in the tower which was a first. Towers are usually very hot and quite stifling.
After leaving the lighthouse we explored a bit more, shopped for groceries and then returned to the trailer.
It was definitely nap time.

Tomorrow we are on the move again, There are 4 more lights in the Ludington area that we want to see.

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