Thursday, July 25, 2013

July 24th

July 24th,
More Michigan Lights today.
Firstly we went to South Haven. What a beautiful red light. It had a new coat of paint this year because there had been graffiti on it and wouldn’t you know there already was more graffiti appearing.

It was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed the walk out to the end of the pier. Across from the Big Red light was other breakwater light and it is green and white.
Next we drove to Saint Joseph to see the lights there. They have an inner and an outer light with a catwalk and it is rather amazing to see. The wind was up and the waves were crashing.

We ate our picnic lunch there and then we headed for Watervliet because we wanted to find CAYO. Cayo was the original maker of the Avion Trailer and his grandson is still in the business of repairing the Avion trailers
What a thrill is was to meet him. He did not have what we wanted but we chatted and took pictures and then we were on our way again.

More lighthouses and a full day.

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