Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Wow, Wow, Wow,
That is all I can say. We left Sandra’s around 4:30 and as we walked along Sandra regaled us with stories of the history of Barcelona and stories of the history of Catalan.
She answered all of our questions about buildings and parking and shopping and on and on and on. It was so nice to be able to have an English speaking local tell us all about this city. It is truly amazing.
We explored Bold and the Gothic quarter. We went round and round and up and down. I am certain  I would have been lost forever if we did not have Sandra to guide us out of there.
The streets or what we would call lanes were narrow and the buildings on either side were tall and old and made me think of a medieval city. The lanes were a treasure trove of wonderful little shops of all kinds. You could have purchased anything from diamonds to art to clothes to shoes to crafts to tee shirts. There were many eateries as well.
When it got dark the city became even more alive. The streets were filled with people of all ages but mainly young people. Every few lanes would open to a square. All of these squares had a story to tell and Sandra knew it all.
After walking for a couple of hours we began to look for a place to eat. The first four that Sandra knew well were full but we did finally find one with a table available.
In Barcelona the custom is to have what they call Tapas. Actually it is making a meal of appetizers. You order several for the table and people share them. We had wine and then we had a roast potatoe dish, a prawn selection and a selection of special Spanish ham. It sounds as if would not be enough but it was. Well almost enough. We finished it off with desserts, delicious desserts. Because I had walked enough that my activity tracker had gone all of the way around and was half way around again.

We walked home and when we got back to Sandra’s we had a small liqueur with fennel flavoring. It was very good . But it had been a very long day and by ten we were on our way to bed.


Unknown said...

We love the Born and the Gothic barrios! The kids both went to daycare in an old convent in the Gothic quarter. Even though we went there every day to pick them up or drop them off, I could never find it again!

sandy in spain said...

So glad you loved Barcelona and had a chance to learn about the history etc. Tapas and the larger Raciones are a revelation and a chance to try all sorts of local foods. The tiny specialist shops are wonderful. No wonder with all that walking you were tired out, but 10pm is the time the locals have finished work and start to go out to eat and enjoy the bars in the city. Have a fabulous cruise, I'm sure you'll want to come back to Barcelona again one day

Sandra Cloostermans said...

What a lovely afternoon and evening in your company that was!! I still feel sorry for the mix-up with the restaurants, but I am glad you got to try some typical tapas, as well as the "crema catalana". Big hug for both of you! <3