Sunday, October 14, 2018

Our Holiday has begun!!

We went to church as usual and then at three o'clock Ron and Rose arrived to take us to Vancouver.
We loaded up the luggage and away we went. Traffic was fairly heavy in spots but it kept moving.

 At four o'clock we were in front of the Sandman.

Our room is large and bright and clean a good change from the Travel lodge.

We have arranged for a shuttle to the airport at 8:55 and a wake up call for 7:30. Our plane leaves at 11:30. This will be the first of 2 flights. The first is almost 5 hours and the second one is more than 8 hours. There is a 2 hour stop in between. We arrive in Barcelona around 8:15 on Tuesday. It will be a very long day but we are prepared. We have reading material and head phones. I also have Gravol . I will take a tablet in the hopes that it will make me sleepy so I will be less unwell on Tuesday.

There is a Moxie's in this hotel so we decided to have our evening meal there.. Is it dinner or is it supper??

..Fish tacos for me and a beef dip for Ken. Anyway I had Yam fries as a side

. Yeah Fries... the holiday has begun.

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