Thursday, October 25, 2018

Our Visit to Toulon

Out tour was not actually to Toulon. We left the ship boarded the limo and headed out of town. The country side was beautiful and our guide Natalie was full of interesting facts about the area. In Aix it was mostly a walking tour and I was so sorry that I did not put my activity tracker in my pocket because I am certain we would have walked it completely around. This area was much like the Gothic quarter of Barcelona. There were many long narrow lane ways and fountains as well as a market for fresh produce filled one of the squares. People and cars used the same space which is rather scary and amazing at the same time.. It was filled with history and Natalie seemed to know it all.

After the walking tour we returned to the van and we headed an hour or so back to the city of Cassis. It was a beautiful waterfront tow with an amazing beach. The day began cool and we were glad we had our jackets but by one o’clock it was lovely and hot. Too hot for a jacket. But we had brought a princess bag with us and that was where the jackets spent the rest of the afternoon. Thanks to Natalie we made our way to a very nice restaurant. Dru and Benny joined us. The remaining four..Shelia and Carlos and Greg and Mary  sat at a different table. We enjoyed a fish soup and a glass of wine.
While in the restaurant we discovered there was a lighthouse here. So of course after dinner we had to walk over to it and get pictures. This one we will count.

Our time in Casses was about 2 hours and Ken was so sorry that he had not brought a towel with him. He would have gone into the water because it was beautiful. Gentle waves and warm sand beaches are hard to resist.
We made our way to the van and it was not long before we were wizzing through traffic on our way to the ship.
It was a grand excursion.
WE were back at table 405 for dinner. The spot where I was sitting was right under the air conditioner vent and it was going full blast. I finally gave up and went back to the room and got my jacket.
After a great dinner we headed for the Princess Theatre. On the way we stopped at the internet café to set up my WiFi account. I could not get it set up from our cabin and that is why I have not been blogging for a day.
After that we continued on to the theatre and much to our surprise the theatre was almost empty. But after we choose the perfect seat we watched as the place filled to capacity. People watching is my favorite sport.
The show was called Encore and it was actually quite amazing, especially if you enjoy wonderful vocals. There was a guest soprano as well as the singers and dancers. The Crown Princess orchestra is wonderful as usual. There are 9 members instead of the usual seven.  The stage set was interesting and different and you almost felt that it belonged in a fairy tale.

After the show we came back here. I tried to post and it was painfully slow but I did manage to get a little done. I spent almost a half hour being frustrated by how slow the connection was. When I was at Sandra’s the wifi was so fast that you got to see many pictures. 

That will not be the case during the cruise I am afraid. No matter what time I check I only get 3 little bars. But I will do my best.

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