Friday, October 26, 2018


This was a day in Livorno. Actually all we did was board a bus and leave Livorno because this is the port the will lead us to Pisa.

We began our day by having room service . We do that on days when we have an early excursion. Then we headed for the Michaelangelo dining room to wait for time to get the bus. We heard that 1600 of us are on tour this morning. When the announcements were made they were done in English and then another Asian language we guessed. When we got outside and saw the huge number of Chinese waiting for their buses we knew why. We are guessing the language was Cantonese but we do not know that for certain. 

Our guide was named Peter. He was born in Livorno and he has been guiding for seventeen years. His English was excellent. His knowledge of the area was superb.
As we drove the half hour journey Peter told us about the history of the area with its beginning by Rome and its conquering by Florence. Pisa is definitely an interesting area.
When we arrived in the city Peter lead us to the area with the church and the baptistery and the famous leaning bell tower. The tower has been recently cleaned and it gleamed in the sunlight. The area was filled with people and there were several vendors and several small kiosks selling souverirs.
I purchased an umbrella with the leaning tower on it .

During the trip Peter informed us that Pinocchio was created in Pisa so there were several items featuring the puppet. I got one of those for Emmit. Time for Pam to get an English copy of the book to read. The ones here were written in Italian.
On one side of the square there was a Bishop’s palace . We could tour the court yard but that was all.
Peter had us safely back to the ship around one o’clock.
We had lunch in the International café. We each had a quiche. They were great.
I got a shower and then went to the SPA and had a shampoo and set. They did a very nice job.
We decided to check out the special drinks at Skywalkers. The Elite cocktail hour at Skywalkers is difficult to take in because our dining time is so early. But we went up and had our Ultimate Mai Tai.  We usually have one every cruise.  We were not finished it so we took it to dinner with us.
After dinner we roamed a little and decided not to take in the show. We just called it a night. I tried to get some pictures posted. Boy this internet is slow.

Tomorrow is the first sea day.

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