Monday, October 22, 2018

La Sagrada Familia

La Sagrada Familia Basilica by Antonio Gaudí

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La Sagrada Familia is one of Gaudí's most famous works in Barcelona. It's a giant Basilica that has been under construction since 1882 (that's not a typing error) and it's not expected to be completed for some time yet.

Much controversy surrounds the building of the Sagrada Familia. Today new construction materials are being used which, some feel, Gaudí himself would not have used.

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When you visit the building you will see the contrast in the stone colour between the front and back of the building. Also the actual style of construction appears somewhat different between the new and old parts of the building.
Gaudí played an active role in directing the construction of the Sagrada Familia until his death in 1926. He would often request that work be modified and adjusted until it was exactly what he had in mind. However today, because of the nature of the existing designs, his work is partly open to interpretation.
Interpretation of the designs by present day architects is particularly challenging because the actual construction stones are irregularly shaped.
The building is still under construction so be prepared to see a lot of work continuing when you visit. However this in itself is interesting, especially if you visit the museum inside the building.
Regardless of all the controversy surrounding the Sagrada Familia it is a truly magnificent building and an absolute must-see when you visit Barcelona.

With all of this hype and because the line ups can be hours long we booked a tour, We went through Viatours and had our tickets long before we left Canada.

This one of the places we went today. It was as amazing as it sounded. I will try to post some pictures tomorrow before we head for the ship. I do not know what kind os wi fi we will have there tomorrow.
We are about to go on a walking tour with Sandra and then go fo TAPAS this evening. It will be late by the time we get back so I will not have time to blog tonight. Pictures of the Basilica and the chocolate museum and our walk and the Tapas later,

We took so many amazing photos. It is truly impossible to post them all. The entire structure was designed to be illuminated by natural light and the way the sun played on the interior was almost unbelievable and it was breath taking!! Have a look.

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