Friday, October 19, 2018


Day Visit To Montserrat Spain - "The Trip of a Lifetime"

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. The Benedictine Monk retreat at Montserrat offers you some of the most spectacular mountain views of Catalunya. You will learn about the holy grotto where visitations by the Virgin Mary were reported, the World famous Montserrat Choir boys recitals along with details on the mountain walks with breathtaking views.

Montserrat Spain in Barcelona
Montserrat near Barcelona
For many visitors a trip to Barcelona Montserrat Spain is the highlight of their visit.
Montserrat is a spectacularly beautiful Benedictine monk mountain retreat about one hour North West from Barcelona by train.
Not only is Montserrat Monastery of significant religious importance but the natural beauty surrounding the monastery is simply breathtaking.

We got our tickets but the only drawback is the fact that we have to be at the departure point at 6:45 am.....

Montserrat Spain History - The Holy Visions

barcelona montserrat a view from the cable car to the monastry retreat
Barcelona Montserrat a view from the cable car to the monastery retreat
The history of Montserrat is fascinating and started in 880 when a small group of shepherd children saw a bright light descending from the sky in the Montserrat mountains. In the same moment the children heard angels singing and the music filled their hearts with a radiant joy.
Overwhelmed by the experience the children ran home to frantically recall the experience to their parents. The parents were sceptical but knew their children were trustworthy and honest and so they went to where the children had experienced the visions to see if they could see what all the fuss was about.
For the whole month following the first visitation the parents were also witness to the same heavenly experiences and were left with only one conclusion. The visions were a sign from God.
the black faced Madonna in the basilica montserrat monastry
The black faced Madonna in the basilica Montserrat monastery
A local vicar was brought to the scene and witnessed the same experiences as the children and parents. The visions occurred in the same location in a cave on Montserrat mountain. When this cave was explored by the religious elders of the community they found an image of the Virgin Mary. And from that moment on the cave became a holy sanctuary for religious pilgrims.
Today the site of the visions has been marked by a Holy Grotto on the mountain. You can walk to the Holy Grotto and see first hand where these events took place. The Holy Grotto has now been ordained a holy place and is visited by pilgrims and curious onlookers from all over the world.

1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

Phew, what a long day. In spain local people normally don't go out to eat until after 9.30pm. Hope you find a shopping Mall you can get to. If not there are some lovely small shops in the Gothic quarter