Saturday, October 20, 2018

Ciutadella Park

For us today was almost like a sea day on a cruise. We had nothing special planned and we would see what came up. We actually slept the night through for the first time. It felt good to wake up and find out it was 7:30 am. I had been awake at least twice through the night but I did manage to get back to sleep after awhile. Jet lag really causes a problem.

I cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast, played on the computer for awhile and basically took it easy. Neither of us felt that perky so we decided to have a drink of milk and a cookie and a nap.
After the nap I made lunch and we decided to explore the park which is right across from this place. When we are on the balcony we are looking into trees that are in the park. It is Ciutadella Park.

The Parc de la Ciutadella (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈpaɾɡ də lə siwtəˈðeʎə]; "Citadel Park") is a park on the northeastern edge of Ciutat Vella, Barcelona, Spain. For decades following its creation in the mid-19th century, this park was the city's only green space.
  • Type: Historical garden
  • Created: 1877

  • On the grounds of the Parc de la Ciutadella, there are several attractions: the zoo, the Catalan Parliament. The Museu d'Art Modern is situated in the building of the parliament. The Zoological Museum and the Museu de Geologia are placed in the area of the park.
We were impressed right away.
Near the entrance was this very impressive building on top of which was a golden lady driving a chariot . I learned that the lady was added later because the residents felt the structure needed a finishing touch. They did it in style.

Just inside the entrance was another lovely statue. We do not know who she is but she certainly is elegant

This park goes back to the eighteen hundreds and the building inside all have amazing stories to tell. If only we could hear what they have to say.

This park is also the home of the Parliament buildings of Catalonia. We learned that you can tour the buildings for free but you must make an appointment. We are too late. The available appointment are for times when we are on other tours. If only we had known.. oh well next time.

We did not visit the zoo for lack of time and by now our knees were complaining.

The park is very well used and we saw so many activities taking place. Everything from wedding photos to boating to biking to birthday parties to gymnastic training to lovers on park benches. We even saw a homeless man bathing in one of the fountains.

This park is a real gem and it should be high on the list of places to visit when you are in Barcelona.
We are so happy to have found it... This discovery made our "sea Day" extra special. 
Tomorrow we are at Guell Park.

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