Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Whirl wind 2 days

As is our usual we woke before the wake up call. We were ready a full hour before we were to be picked up by the shuttle. It was a lot of time but not enough to go and get breakfast.
We arrived at the airport in lots of time and check in went like clock work. We were checked in and our luggage is going all of the way to Barcelona. Our Nexus cards came in handy and we were thankful we had them as we strolled past long lines of people who did not have one.
We sot out a Tim's and that is where we had breakfast.
The plane left on time and the flight was smooth. This plane was one of the Air Buses and they come equipped with these lovely screens. With them you can access music and movies and maps and old TV programs. They are a marvel. I had a set of Bose noise cancelling ear phones and I took advantage of that feature to watch the Black Panther movie. I missed it in the theater so this was my chance.
Service on airlines has certainly changed since I first flew. During these almost 5 hours we were served 3 beverages, one of which was watcr and none of which were special in any way. Ken drank glasses of ginger ale and I had tomato juice. You were not served the entire can and you were given nothing to eat, not even a cracker.
That flight went to Montreal. We came into Gate 56 and an hour later were were to be boarding a flight leaving from Gate 01. You never know how fast seniors can walk until you give them that task. We made it with time to spare. YEAH.. Old Folks Rule!!!

This flight was on a 767 and so we did not have the magic screen. I used the head phones to make it a little quieter but I had no music to listen to :-( poor me.
Dinner was served about an hour and a half into the cruise. NOT GOOD!! I don't know where they get these meals. The main course choice was chicken or pasta. The chicken was hot, has a cream sauce and some veggies that I did recognize. The dish was around 2 and 1/2 inches wide and about 5 and 1/2 inches wide and an inch deep. There also was a dish that measured 2x2 and in it was something I did not recognize. It may have been half cooked potatoes with either carrots or tomatoes. I know I should have been able to tell which they were but I could not. Dessert was a dried out brownie that had seen better days. Just before lights out we were served another beverage. Then breakfast consisted of a slice of a ginger loaf and a beverage. I had milk. I think airlines should promote and package the airplane diet.

Our plane actually arrive a half hour early and again all went like clock work. I think we are finally getting the hang of these airport excursions.
We collected our luggage and made out way to arrivals as we had been directed by the shuttle company. Sure enough there was a driver and a car waiting for us. We were the only ones in the car and our driver took us right to Sandra's door. He even called her on his phone to make certain she was at home. He would not just leave us on the street. The service was 5 star for sure.

We were given a grand welcome by Sandra. This is going to be great. We visited for an hour or so and then we napped. We were so tired. We were hungry but more tired. We napped for a few hours.

After our nap we got ready and following Sandra's directions we headed out to fine the super market which is 2 blocks away. 2 building away from her place we found a small eatery. Nothing fancy but the prices were good and they served breakfast. We had eaten nothing solid since that pie3ce of ginger bread so it was time to eat.
Then it was off to the grocery store to pick up a few things. We bought milk and fruit and soup and a few other goodies. We have a busy schedule planned and so we do not need much in the line of groceries. Shopping in a store you do not know in a language you do not know with a currency you are not really familiar with is a new experience indeed. It was daylight when we came in and dark when we left.

Now we are back here having a glass of white wine with Sandra and wondering how long we will last before we head for our eds. It is noon at home and the time difference is nine hours. Our systems are completely turned around.

I took very few pictures today but I promise to do better as I adjust to the pace.

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