Thursday, October 18, 2018


Today I took a workshop on learning to paint like Picasso. It was so different and so much fun.
The day began sunny in spite of the forecast. But we did take our umbrellas, that was wise.
We bought a bus pass and took our first trip on the bus. We arrived where we needed to be almost a full hour early. That gave us lots of time to look around and to have a coffee and take lots of pictures of the cathedral which happened to be near by.
Then we proceeded to meet Karaljin. She is an art teacher and she was great to work with.
Ken watched and took pictures and I tried my hand at painting like Picasso. The fact that your result is not supposed to follow the norms is a very good thing.

What do you think?
I have no immediate plans to open a studio... hee  hee

Her apartment had a wonderful old fashioned elevator. I had to take pictures.

Halfway through the class it began to rain so we had to move inside. We were glad we had umbrellas.

Tomorrow we head for Montserrat


dslrig said...

Glad to hear that all is going well for you. Marg and Dave, Bob and I have been following since our internet connection resumed----get home tomorrow morning after fun Hawaiian cruise. Keep the posts coming.

sandy in spain said...

Sorry I have only just found your blog, there have been no automatic notifications this time. I hope you're making the most of your time in Barca, it is a fabulous place, and that the weather has been good to you, it is a bit 'Iffy' at the moment along the Spanish coast line and the Balearics, heavy rain falls,flash floods, storms etc. even in our part further south and west. Have you had chance to look round La Boqueria food market along the Rambla....all types of meat/fish/veggie products you don't normally see, but a great place for a quick tapa of Jamon. Barcelona is a special place. Enjoy.

sandy in spain said...

PS From yesterday, we have Snow on the Sierras

Unknown said...

looks like so much fun and another opportunity to interact with locals and see how they live.
Finns football game cancelled due to rain.